Friendly Freaks Group (UK)

Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 04:59 pm
Hi Izzie

I really like this last collection of photographs. They are stunning. I was hoping to write a poem about being out, walking - but I couldn't come up with much.

hey - i don't know if you ever take photographs of people (I mean, the public) not that you'd be able to show them here of course, but I did wonder. There are some great characters down here in the west country - I will write about some of them, maybe.

Anyway - I saw an exhibition by a bloke who's disabled (born with no legs) and he traveled around the world on a skate board and took photographs of people's 'stares'.
I thought you might be interested - you can find it here


all the best

0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 06:30 pm
Hey Olga - I loved the video and song - thank you for that

My pleasure, Endy.
I am making my way through yours. Quite upbeat, some of them! I felt like dancing with the Israeli band at 1:30 in the morning! I didn't want to wake the neighbours, though. Very Happy

And your one poem ... yes. Yes.

After watching it and thinking about stuff - I've decided to leave the R thread alone for a while. Who needs it anyway?

Surprised This is interesting, Endy.

(I've often wondered about so thoroughly chronicling so much so the pain & the sadness & conflict in the world .. you can end up carrying a lot the pain around yourself, can't you?)

a lot has changed while I've been gone. Here on the forum, too. It's grown from a village into a town around here. I kind of like that - you can lose yourself.

Yes, I like this, too, Endy. It's good.
But I'm hoping we don't become a major, major world city too quickly, though. Smile

Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 08:38 pm
msolga wrote:
I felt like dancing with the Israeli band at 1:30 in the morning! I didn't want to wake the neighbours, though. Very Happy

Smile Ahha! You DID like it, then. I hoped you might.

Yeah - the R thread. What a bizarre world we live in.
I had written something for it, but reading it through - I don't know. It's very hard to write about that stuff without sounding self-righteous, or something. It's just very frustrating when you can plainly see injustices, but pointing them out all the time feels wrong and rotten.
I guess that's why the powerful few keep getting away with what they do.

I read yesterday that the 3 richest men in the world have more money than the poorest 48 countries. How can that possibly be?

I don't know - I end up frustrated because I see possible solutions to things (for example - the idea of capping the amount of wealth any individual or company is allowed to own at any given time) but what use is it to think it?

I've written a lot of stuff i haven't posted. It just seems like swimming against an enormous tide and a lot of people hate you for doing it - pointing out the sinister side, i mean. So then you don't say anything and have to feel like a **** for keeping silent.
But I honestly think the human race is at a cross-roads right now and we all have the right, if not the duty to help debate which way to go.

Do I sound confused? Smile

Time for bed

'night Olga

Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 08:42 pm
nice to see you back posting, endy...
Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 08:48 pm
I read yesterday that the 3 richest men in the world have more money than the poorest 48 countries. How can that possibly be?

Beats me!
How about extreme greed, dirty dealings, ruthless exploitation & a complete lack of integrity?

But are those 3 men REALLY happy, Endy? Wink

Do I sound confused? Smile

But then I'm confused. So what would I know? Razz

Time for bed

'night Olga

Night night.
Happy dreams, Endy.
Reply Wed 7 Jul, 2010 02:06 pm
It is so good to see you, love - so, so good Very Happy Missed you Endy - so very happy to see you back xxxxxxxx

Reply Wed 7 Jul, 2010 02:07 pm
thanku ((Tsar)) Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 03:08 am

Cheers Rockhead

I'm glad to be back
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 03:10 am

Hi Izzie - Glad to see you here

Thanks for all your posts
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 03:12 am
msolga wrote:

Beats me!
How about extreme greed, dirty dealings, ruthless exploitation & a complete lack of integrity?



But are those 3 men REALLY happy, Endy? Wink

Good question. Beats me!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 04:00 pm
Hey Endy...

we're in for a storm tonight - it's warm and humid and boomers are on their way - hoping for quite a show - batten down the hatches.

((e)) x
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 04:42 am
Hi Izzie

You still here? Haven''t you had enough yet?
It must get you down a bit - talking to a brick wall.
I don't mean to ignore you - sometimes i just can't bring myself to make contact with anyone (told you I'm a freak).
I respect your persistence, but I'd understand if you didn't bother.
I mean, I'd not think less of you. There's only so much a person can take.
At the moment for me, it's like trying to bump-start a car that's been closed in a garage too long - just when i think i'm rolling along again, I stall. But no excuses. I know it's not good enough.

hey - thanks though. Iz

Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 09:33 am
Well, for goodness sake, Endy. Drop by the radio thread again. It was so great hearing your music.
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 04:30 am

I will, soon Letty

Right now, I'm going back to the revolution thread. I've got some catching up to do
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 04:47 am
Just saying g'day, Endy.

You're back again I see! Smile

So you're back at the Revolution thread?

Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 08:30 am
This is a test, msolga. Found out some interesting news about the mass graves of Australians and Brits excavated and reburied at this cemetery.


Fromelles war cemetery dedicated 94 years after disastrous battle

Bodies of Australian and British soldiers reburied in first war cemetery on western front for 80 years

WWI songs

Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 09:24 am
Hi Olga

Yeah - I feel better for posting what i needed to say on the R thread.
I have no wish to offend anyone, but sometimes you know, you can't live with yourself unless you speak out about what you believe.

My god - it's liberating.

It really is

I feel like a big weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I think when you want to do the right thing, but you're not sure which way is the right way (because either way there are losses as well as gains) - it takes time to think it all through and accept whatever consequences may follow from your decision. I know I must seem a bit crazy over on that thread, but honestly, deep down I believe it is important. It's the way I see the world and how can I pretend to see it differently and still write with any conviction?

Hey - I will try and lighten up now.

and Olga - thank you
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 09:33 am

Hi Letty - not sure you meant to put your post here - but it is very welcome, anyway.

Speak to you soon
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 05:01 pm
Hello love

yep mate, Ima here... this is a great place to chill and be with folk I consider safe and understanding ... and that means you too Wink

so, did you get hit by the storms Shocked - Endy - the rain has been torrential and my river is flowing on the fast side - I hope your conservatory is holding up and your not getting any leaks...

hmmmmmmmmm... thinking, ya know

so... here's the thing

i wish i could write and express myself like you do - I read your revolution thread - you are correct on what our generation(s) (well, I'm a ways bit older than you young man) - but... yep... and I think it's the same in every country - we are taught what they want us to learn - tho, in education now (where I work in primary school) - I see the children being taught new skills, more understanding, more tolerance - in a gentle way - but certainly not the way I was taught. There is hope for a better world Endy - there is - and maybe the generation coming through will have a greater awareness of the world as it is. Certainly, I believe they will have a better understanding of war and the causalties.

I listen to S-boy oftenwhen he talking about war and peace, what has gone on, what he would change - he debated for his school last term against the (kid)politicians during the election "why don't you listen to the people" was his mantra to the 16 and 18 years old who were having a mock election on the school podium - he even made the front page of the newspaper :13 going on 30 he is... and you know what Endy, kids like S-boy will make a difference. At present he still wishes to be a lawyer for chidren's rights (mainly fighting for kids like his big brother) - ha, he would even like to go to JoeforChicago or Ticomayer to do his 2 week work experience next year... maybe we will have to stick a little closer to home tho Smile

We need to be teaching our kids by example. That's why it's good to read MzOlga's thread and to know she is teaching about how our future needs to be shaped, and seeing the folk on threads who really are looking for a better future for this world. And then there are people who do have to go out and do the things that are needed to be done because our country dictates it... our soldiers, our forces - some fighting for their countries but against their personal principles - but needing to do that because that is their job and the consequences are severe to their team and families if they pull out - many have no voices, they just get on and do what needs to be done. And then there are those who we don't know what they do, who fight to free people in things we know nothing about and cannot imagine in our scariest dreams - and for them - it's a life they choose to try and do what's right... for individuals, for countries, for the greater good. These are tough calls - and once in, its hard to get out of - to not finish the job. It breaks your heart... I understand that. Mine too - oh for an ideal world where we had peace.

Don't ever stop fighting for what you believe in, and don't apologise for your beliefs - they are yours. You are Endy - what you feel is real and you own it. Life would be easy if we understood everyone's points of view, it would be different if the world could get along - in some teeny tiny way, if you can, as you do, make one difference in one persons thinking, whatever it is about, if its for the good, then the world be comes a little tiny bit better.

Keep believing in you - you can't fix the world E, but you can and do make a difference. Not just to me... to quite a few folks round here... people will read your words, they may disagree, but they may not and they may encourage others to change/alter their views just by listening to you.

What you say is important. Who you are is important.

Your Endy.

This is me.

so, it's been a busy few weeks at work - I haven't been out much much (work, work and then, work) but my garden is my haven and speaks for me when I cant.

Here's a few - the miracles of nature - it will amaze me 'til the day I die at just what I can see in a small garden at Chez Izzie. If you can ever venture this way hun, which would I understand be a mighty mazzive step... but there's a lot of peace here for those who crave silence and depth.

It's so good to see you and you know what, moss grows on brick walls, I'm a bit like that moss... a little green round the edges - but I stay where I feel safe and on a solid framework.

Be comfortable where you're at Endy - a wise lady, Noddy, told me once there is no pressure in cyber space...

you are you, we care for you - if you're here well, that's wonderful - if you mull and muse and need some space from the rest of the freaks (hmmmm, I think I'm the only UK one along with you) but there are some freaky friends here who care for you very much - dotted all over the world.

Safe folk - to be you, just you, our/your Endy.

It was raining tonight - me and the camera went and clicked some in the dark - it's quiet at night, but it was raining ... kinda sums up the edges cutting in my life with life right now.

Love to you E.... strength and gentle hugs (if needed)

take care fella

N x

Reply Wed 21 Jul, 2010 04:02 am
Hi Izzie

Thanks for writing.

I hear what you are saying (about our troops out there) and believe it or not, my thoughts are with them practically every day. I know they have a job to do, but they are human and no one should be asked to take the lives of others without good reason and good conscience- not even a soldier. Protecting Queen and country is what it's about...and should be ALL it is about. (IMHO)

(I just heard that Cameron is talking about beginning withdrawal next year. That is the best news I've heard for some time). Smile

Anyway , enough of that.

Izzie thank you for telling me about your son. That cheers me up a lot. He sounds a lot wiser than i was at his age. Back then i didn't give a moment's thought to politics. In fact, I wasn't even aware of it. Good luck to him. I hope he finds something special in life, that fulfils him.

Hey - I'm sorry to hear that you've had some flooding, though not surprised. The run off isn't causing too many problems here (at the moment) but I'm prepared for the worst. It's been a bit strange the weather if you ask me. The other day I looked out at blue sky and white clouds, decided to go out for a walk and about 20 minutes later opened the door to a dark grey world of mad wind and giant rain drops. Then, about an hour later, it was blue skies again. (I did go out for a bit) It almost felt like autumn that day. Very muddy outside. Wet, but muggy as hell. Today is clearer and cooler, thankfully..

The conservatory is holding up (despite the damp wood smell of late) and seems to have become a sanctuary for spiders. I've told them they can stay for a few days, if they behave themselves. Creeping up on me when I'm sitting in the armchair reading at night, has been banned. Smile

Anyway - nice talking to you - speak to you later, Izzie, and thanks


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