@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
We're screwed. The minority will run things in our nation.
You are likely to soon find out that your imagined minority is actually a majority on this issue and many others. Democrats got through Roe vs Wade what they had been unable to get through democratic processes in State Legislatures where this and other like issues belong. Even today national poll data indicate a small majority who oppose that ill-conceived Supreme Court Decision,
Soon enough we will see the votes of people across the country regarding their confidence (or lack of it) ) in Left Wing Democrat, social, economic & political policies. Joe Biden is a gift who keeps on giving. He, Pelosi, Schumer and the Squad have managed to quickly end a 25 year period of steady, low inflation and growing prosperity, that culminated in fast growing employment & workforce participation, coupled with accelerated economic growth, energy independence, and the beginnings of renewal in American manufacturing. That's all gone now, and done in record time. Fuel prices are rising fast, food shortages loom ahead; Inflation (the CPI average is at 8.5%/year and still rising) - a 40 year record - and the inevitable recession is about a year (or less) away. Biden & the Federal Reserve have irrationally denied evident facts and attempts to delude the public with the illusion that all this was a transitory result of international; trade disruptions, (and more recently Putin's doing). Now they're far behind in reversing economic & monetary policies and the public will bear the consequences. ( we should all thank Senator Manchin for his stubborn refusal to support the stupid BBB spending legislation - had it passed we would be in even worse straits now).
Of course it's all Putin's fault. For the leader of a country demonstrably unable to achieve his own priority objectives as planned, he has certainly done well in "controlling" - as our incompetent Administration would have us believe - the internal political & economic processes in ours. The increasingly obvious truth here is that Putin is merely the Democrat's favorite, and habitual, excuse for their own repeated failures.
The evident unwillingness of Democrats to look beyond their propaganda, and at the actual results of their actions and policies is truly remarkable.
Here in California our government has announced the end (in 15 years) of sales of new petroleum powered vehicles - we'll be all electric then they say. Oddly nothing has yet been said or done about the doubling of our electrical power production that will be required to support this fantasy. The state hasn't licensed a new power generating plant in 25 years, and imports about 30% of its current electrical power consumption. (Wind & solar remain less than 12% of total production, and it takes over 15 years just to get a new powerplant (of any design) through the state NEPA permitting process (before construction can even begin !).
Anyway Frank -- my greetings. I hope you are doing well and enjoying yourself.