Obrigado, dear Hinge?
That's portuguese!
The language I know of that is written exactly as it is pronounced is Serbo-Croatian (too bad MyOwnUsername doesn't hang out on A2K anymore to tell us more about it).
It is so strict about it, that the author of "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is Gabrijel Garsija Markes and the well-known XIX Century German philosopher is Fridrih Vilhelm Niče.
And yes, gender in words. That's an English advantage... with the disadvantage of always having to put the pronoun to mean if it's a he, a she or an it (a difficulty that seems unsurmountable to González Iñárritu, according to his Oscar acceptance speeches).
If you think Spanish is crazy about gender, think about German.
First of all they got it wrong. The Sun is male and the moon is female, not the other way around!
And then they got this neutral gender thing only to make things more complicated.
Then comes Russian, where a man says "I slept", and a woman says "I slepta".