Obama election spurs race crimes around country

Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 01:51 am
Obama election spurs race crimes around country
By JESSE WASHINGTON, AP National Writer Jesse Washington, Ap National Writer " 2 hrs 26 mins ago

Cross burnings. Schoolchildren chanting "Assassinate Obama." Black figures hung from nooses. Racial epithets scrawled on homes and cars.

Incidents around the country referring to President-elect Barack Obama are dampening the postelection glow of racial progress and harmony, highlighting the stubborn racism that remains in America.

From California to Maine, police have documented a range of alleged crimes, from vandalism and vague threats to at least one physical attack. Insults and taunts have been delivered by adults, college students and second-graders.

There have been "hundreds" of incidents since the election, many more than usual, said Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate crimes.

Potok, who is white, said he believes there is "a large subset of white people in this country who feel that they are losing everything they know, that the country their forefathers built has somehow been stolen from them."

This last quote is a spot on description of some of the posts of A2K's right-wingnut membership.
Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 06:51 am
Every time Jack Johnson, the first heavyweight champion, beat a white challenger in the ring a certain number of black people were lynched nationwide.

In mild form, this is essentially the same phenomenon.

Whether it's by Jack Johnson or Barack Obama, when the notion of white supremacy takes a hit, some white supremacists have to hit back.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 10:42 pm
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 01:38 am
I won't be joining in any of these hate Obama rallies.

I don't feel the election was fair but what's done is done.

Obama is my president now and it is time to let sleeping dogs lie.

Having said that I will also never forget how the liberals treated Bush and still continue to rail on the poor man. Bush was also MY president.

The liberals have disgraced this country with their stubborn partisan HATE AND CORRUPTION. They have made our country look like it is dis-unified…

But I am not that low, and I voted for Gore but not Kerry.

I accept Obama I guess, but I DON’T accept the hatred the liberals have dished out in full portion poison for the last eight years!!! Even Obama has been nasty in his "campaign", if you want to call it a campaign rather than a farce.

The only thing really that could fuel rage in me is if Obama goes after conservative talk radio. This will tell me he has no value for our constitution OR the "bill of rights".

I won't stand idly by and watch the liberals silence free speech (while they hated the patriot act…)

I don't care about bail out packages (I'm not an economists) and if Obama really thinks he can give every American health care without driving our economy deeper into debt or leaving us without a strong military then that leaves much to be seen.

If Obama is just bent on shoving far left ideas (communism, dictatorship etc...) on our government then I will simply not be able to support that.

Until that happens he has my tentative loyalty.

So I am a better man for RESPECTING the OFFICE of the president than you liberals, huh?

I just wonder if Obama ends up deeper in war if Cindy Sheehan will camp out on his lawn with her HATE OBAMA signs? Will Michael Moore unethically LIE and blame the any war or future attacks on Obama? Will Barbary Streisand and Johnny Depp threaten to leave the country?

I accept Obama as my president (for now) but I DON'T trust the left as being ethical, fair or even remotely patriotic!

Consider how FEW veto’s Bush actually signed... he tired to please the left and still they were nasty and consistently rotten to him. Nancy Pelosi and her, go on national TV and bash the standing president on a regular basis was nothing but slime. Well, it is very apparent to me they are "liberals" with no conscience or code of values or virtue other than their empty philosophy of hooters strip joints and cleansing the world of baby Jesus mangers.

The word liberal to me will now always mean, people with an ideology that leaves them heartless and brainless fools. They think they are “educated” but they are shallow and without substance or character. They believe only one side and are blind to any other consideration. I stand utterly flabbergasted when I hear a liberal try to “reason”…

I have my own problem about the conservatives in many areas too… And I will let you know about them sometime soon.

Anyone who clings solely to the liberal ideal is a fool. Lazy minded… God was too hard to figure out so they just denied him… etc.. they like witches better than clergy… Witches openly confess that the kill kitty cats and virgins to suck the “life force “ out of them…

Isn’t this witch life force the same as the spaghetti monster? But to liberals, witches are “cool” huh? But An honest clergy man who spends his life trying to give life to others rather than take it is attacked by the liberal ACLU for putting baby Jesus out on the lawn… I am a reasonable man but the liberals are not only unreasonable, they are idiots.

Now for pedophile priests you might as well call them witches too considering they are stealing life in the very same manner the satanic witches are…

But should priests in general have a monopoly on “God” and the sanctity of life? NO. It is really up to each person to choose giving life as a motto rather than taking it and to know the difference VERY clearly. Liberals don’t seem to perceive this difference very well... 70 percent of all felons are democrats. God should not be perceived through the filter of unscrupulous religionists or liberals.

Again considering the witches believe in the very same spaghetti monster ideal, liberal hypocrisy and their double standard is clearly evident. Why would liberals choose to be more accepting to those who steal life rather than those who though many trusted charities and acts of kindness most often GIVE of their own life?

We have satanic cults recently in Germany young “progressive” satanic people convicted of cooking and eating teenagers... We have a great number of hundred year old churches in Europe being burnt by satanists… and the liberals go on their merry way with the ACLU CONSISTENTLY backing the wrong horse.

Obama I will give a chance but the liberal have shown me they are incapable of being either civilized or behaving within a reasonable decorum.

I am NOT condemning PEOPLE here I am condemning their precious backward defeatist ideology... The progressive liberal idiotology.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 06:36 am
I accept Obama I guess

he has my tentative loyalty

I accept Obama as my president (for now)

Wow. That's some impressive ****.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 06:53 am

Since election day, the number of threats against the president-elect, and racial or violent incidents directed at his supporters, have soared. The Secret Service is concerned, calling it the highest number of threats against a President-elect in memory, but the national media until this weekend have largely ignored the disturbing pattern.(snip)

Some claim that, given the size of this great country of ours, the incidents don't amount to much or are merely anecdotal. I would argue: The ones we know about may represent only the tip of the iceberg -- the ones that make it into the local press. And, yes, they may die down as the country gets used to the idea of a President Obama. On the other hand: They could soar again as that reality nears.

So let me just briefly list the full range of episodes, which doesn't even include several cross burnings on front lawns. These aren't necessarily the worst but they do capture the national flavor/fever. Note that about 2 out of 3 took place in states that Obama won.

* In a Maine convenience store, an Associated Press reporter saw a sign inviting customers to join a betting pool on when Obama might fall victim to an assassin. The sign solicited $1 entries into "The Osama Obama Shotgun Pool," saying the money would go to the person picking the date closest to when Obama was attacked. "Let's hope we have a winner."

* In Idaho, the Secret Service is investigating a "public hanging" sign erected by a man upset with the election outcome, the Bonner County Daily Bee reported Thursday. A handmade sign posted on a tree reads "FREE PUBLIC HANGING" written in large letters beneath a noose fashioned from nylon rope. The most prominent name on the sign is "OBAMA," according to the Bee. "That's a political statement. They can call it whatever they want, a threat or whatever," the creator of the sign, Ken Germana, told the Bee.

* A popular white supremacist Web sites got more than 2,000 new members the day after the election, compared with 91 new members on Election Day. The site, stormfront.org, was temporarily off-line on Nov. 5 because of the overwhelming amount of activity it received. One poster, identified as Dalderian Germanicus, of North Las Vegas, said, "I want the SOB laid out in a box to see how 'messiahs' come to rest."

* From the Orange County (Ca.) Register: "Two gang members pleaded not guilty Thursday to hate crime and attempted robbery charges in connection with the beating of a black man who was trying to buy cigarettes at a Fullerton liquor store." The two men shouted racial and anti-Obama epithets in the attack.

* From today's New York Times: "Two white Staten Island men face hate crimes charges after they were arrested on Friday in the beating of a black teenager on the night that Barack Obama was elected president, the police said on Saturday. The teenager, Alie Kamara, 17, was walking home on Pine Place in the Staten Island neighborhood of Stapleton when several men hit him on the head with a baseball bat and yelled 'Obama,' said Aliya Latif, the civil rights director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who was in contact with Alie's family since the attack and spoke to his mother on Saturday after the arrests were announced."

* In Mississippi alone, the American Civil Liberties Union has received more than 10 calls since the staff first reported anti-Obama incidents last Friday, according to the Jackson (Miss.) Free Press.

* In Midland, Mich., a man dressed in full Ku Klux Klan regalia walked around toting a handgun and waving an American flag. Initially denying it, the man eventually admitted to police that the display was a reaction to the Obama victory. "[The man] had a concealed weapon permit and was walking up and down the sidewalk in front of a vehicle dealership while some motorists shouted obscenities at him and others shouted accolades," police told The Saginaw News.

* Parents in Rexburg, Idaho, contacted school officials this week after they learned that 2nd and 3rd graders on a school bus were chanting, "Assasssinate Obama!"

* At the University of Texas in Austin, a racist post on Facebook has cost one student his place on the university football team, according to the Houston Chronicle. Buck Burnette, a sophomore offensive lineman for the fourth-ranked Texas Longhorns, was dismissed from the team on Nov. 5 after posting a racist remark about President-elect Obama as his "status" on the social networking Web site. Burnette posted: "All the hunters gather up, we have a [slur] in the White House," the Chronicle reported.

* AP reports: "While the world watched a Grant Park celebration heralding the election of the first black U.S. president, some white Chicago police officers committed hate crimes against black residents cheering Barack Obama's victory elsewhere in the city, attorneys alleged Thursday." Lawsuits have been filed.

* At Appalachian State University, the administration has expressed disappointment at the numerous times black students have expressed being harassed in residence halls since the election. The Appalachian, a student newspaper serving the university, also reported conversations suggesting Obama may not be alive in 2009 and a t-shirt seen around campus that reads "Obama '08, Biden '09."

* Mentioned in the same article, racist comments were discovered at North Carolina State University last week. Spray-painted in university's free expression tunnel after the election were the phrases, "Kill that n..." and "Shoot Obama," the Appalachian reported. The NAACP has called for the expulsion of the four students accused of the graffitti, the Associated Press reported Thursday.

* The Associated Press revealed on Wednesday, "Police on eastern Long Island are investigating reports that more than a dozen cars were spray painted with racist graffiti, reportedly including a message targeting President-elect Barack Obama. The graffiti included racist slurs and sexually graphic references. At least one resident in the quiet Mastic neighborhood told Newsday her son's car was scribbled with a message threatening to kill Obama."

* Employees at Hampel's Key and Lockshop in Traverse City, Michigan, flew an American flag upside down last Wednesday protesting of the new president-elect, the Traverse City Record-Eagle reported. One worker used a racial slur during an interview with the Record-Eagle: "(The inverted flag is) an international signal for distress and we feel our country is in distress because the n----- got in," said Hampel's employee Rod Nyland, who later apologized for the comment, according to the Record-Eagle.

* Authorities in Temecula, Calif., found spray-painted graffiti on a city sidewalk containing a swastika and anti-Obama slogan. And from the Los Angeles Times: "Vandals spray-painted swastikas and racial slurs on a house and several cars in Torrance that displayed campaign signs or bumper stickers for President-elect Barack Obama, authorities said Tuesday. The incidents occurred Saturday night in the Hollywood Riviera section of the city, said Sgt. Bernard Anderson. Four separate incidents were reported the next day, he said. No arrests have been made."

* And from Maine: "More than 75 people rallied Sunday against an incident last week in which black figures were hanged by nooses from trees on Mount Desert Island the day after Barack Obama won the presidential election," according to the Bangor Daily News.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 07:01 am
AP reports: "While the world watched a Grant Park celebration heralding the election of the first black U.S. president, some white Chicago police officers committed hate crimes against black residents cheering Barack Obama's victory elsewhere in the city, attorneys alleged Thursday."

Why no comments about black Chicago police officers committing hate crimes against white residents?

Please...Please don't tell me that Chicago has reformed itself... Embarrassed
Merry Andrew
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 08:26 am
Why no comments about black Chicago police officers committing hate crimes against white residents?

Do you have information on such incidents? Links? Newspaper stories? Even good anecdotal evidence?

It's the first time I've heard that accusation made.
(Btw, there are damn' few black cops in Chicago anyway. They probably keep a low profile.)
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 08:39 am
I think I'll go burn a flag or three.
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Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 08:47 am

* In Midland, Mich., a man dressed in full Ku Klux Klan regalia walked around toting a handgun and waving an American flag. Initially denying it, the man eventually admitted to police that the display was a reaction to the Obama victory. "[The man] had a concealed weapon permit and was walking up and down the sidewalk in front of a vehicle dealership while some motorists shouted obscenities at him and others shouted accolades," police told The Saginaw News.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 08:48 am
Blacks perpetrating crimes against whites... really?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 09:08 am
boomerang wrote:


* In Midland, Mich., a man dressed in full Ku Klux Klan regalia walked around toting a handgun and waving an American flag. Initially denying it, the man eventually admitted to police that the display was a reaction to the Obama victory. "[The man] had a concealed weapon permit and was walking up and down the sidewalk in front of a vehicle dealership while some motorists shouted obscenities at him and others shouted accolades," police told The Saginaw News.

It's called freedom of speech boomer. Many of us consider buring a flag a much more offensive so called "hate crime" than this.
Merry Andrew
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 06:08 pm
It's called freedom of speech boomer. Many of us consider buring a flag a much more offensive so called "hate crime" than this.

No, it's called confrontational racist idiocy, ceejay. Those of you who consider burning a flag "offensive" and a "hate crime" should go picket the American Legion post in my old hometown of Jaffery, NH. Every year, around the 4th of July, the Legionnaires invite anybody who reads the local paper to bring any tattered, unwanted U.S. Flags to the Legion post where a solemn, ceremonial flag burning takes place. It is the only respectful way to dispose of a worn-out flag. What do you do with yours? Just toss it in the garbage? When you picket that post, btw, be sure to wear your KKK sheet with conical dunce-cap and the rest of the full regalia. See how that goes over.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 06:59 pm
@Merry Andrew,
Merry Andrew wrote:

...wear your KKK sheet with conical dunce-cap and the rest of the full regalia.

The official garb of the left.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 07:01 pm
Some people of course prefer to wear "stupid" and nothing else.
Debra Law
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 07:44 pm
RexRed wrote:

I won't be joining in any of these hate Obama rallies.

You won't? Then what was the rest of your post about if it wasn't all about spewing your hate? You say one thing, but do the opposite. I am seeing a pattern among those who identify themselves as conservatives.

I don't feel the election was fair but what's done is done.

Sore loser?

Obama is my president now and it is time to let sleeping dogs lie.

You say it's time "to let sleeping dogs lie," but you wake them up in your next breath.

Having said that I will also never forget how the liberals treated Bush and still continue to rail on the poor man. Bush was also MY president.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Bush is not the "poor man" that you portray him to be, he deserved all the criticism he received.

The liberals have disgraced this country with their stubborn partisan HATE AND CORRUPTION. They have made our country look like it is dis-unified…

Is that right? I thought it was the other way around. It was my observation, and the observation of many millions of Americans, that it was McCain and Palin rallies where the Republican partisan politics of hate and division ran amok. It was your beloved president, George W. Bush, that claimed during his campaigns to be a uniter--not the divider--and yet this country was divided during all the years that he led this country.

But I am not that low, and I voted for Gore but not Kerry.

You're not that low? You're not going to make this country look divided? But that's exactly what you're doing your hateful tirade against liberals.

I accept Obama I guess, but I DON’T accept the hatred the liberals have dished out in full portion poison for the last eight years!!! Even Obama has been nasty in his "campaign", if you want to call it a campaign rather than a farce.

Where's that respect that you said you were going to bestow upon our president-elect? You say one thing; you do the opposite.

The only thing really that could fuel rage in me is if Obama goes after conservative talk radio. This will tell me he has no value for our constitution OR the "bill of rights".

Then you must really be furious with Palin for going after the media. She alleges that the media has threatened her First Amendment Rights because the media criticized her negative campaign strategy/tactics.

Just so we know how things are supposed to be, conservative talk radio can attack Obama--but Obama cannot go after conservative talk radio without allegedly violating our core constitutional values. On the other hand, the media cannot attack Palin--but Palin can attack the media for allegedly violating her freedom of speech.

Double standard? Hypocrisy? Do as I say, not as I do?

I won't stand idly by and watch the liberals silence free speech (while they hated the patriot act…)

What about conservatives? Should liberals stand idly by and watch as conservatives (e.g., Palin) silence the press (while conservatives LOVED the patriot act)?

I don't care about bail out packages (I'm not an economists) and if Obama really thinks he can give every American health care without driving our economy deeper into debt or leaving us without a strong military then that leaves much to be seen.

Okay, let's allow Americans at home to die of treatable illnesses so that this nation can continue to sink 10 billion dollars in debt every month to ensure that Americans die overseas to fight wars with no end in sight.

If Obama is just bent on shoving far left ideas (communism, dictatorship etc...) on our government then I will simply not be able to support that.

I don't support communism or dictatorship either. Neither does Obama! It appears that the conservatives and the liberals can agree! Yipee!

Until that happens he has my tentative loyalty.[/unquote]

You are a tentatively magnanimous person!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 08:19 pm
@Merry Andrew,
Merry Andrew wrote:

(Btw, there are damn' few black cops in Chicago anyway. They probably keep a low profile.)

You must remember a different Chicago than the one I live near.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 08:46 pm
Sounds very much like the Chicago I knew. White cops in cars, the occasional lone black officer walking a beat or directing traffic. At least, that's what law enforcement looked like in Ukrainian Village when I lived there.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 08:52 pm
Of course you do.
0 Replies
Merry Andrew
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 10:29 pm
Merry Andrew wrote:

...wear your KKK sheet with conical dunce-cap and the rest of the full regalia.

The official garb of the left.

Y'know, waterman, you say some pretty idiotic things from time to time but this even tops your own personal worst. You can accuse the so-called left of any number of things, including lunacy, sociopathy, psychosis or any other slur that comes readily to your alleged mind. But to pair the left with racism and the KKK is simply ludicrous. It must be terrible to be so full of hatred that you cease to think and/or speak rationally.


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