'Yes', but I would like to back that answer up.
If you had asked me in the first week of the change, I would have said 'no'. In the meantime, I have thoroughly familarized myself with the new version of the site, and I'm comfortable with it. Am I totally happy? No, but I think that an unfair question, at this point in time. This new version is still very much in flux. Robert has stated so several times. The question should be asked after all the changes are completed.
I do not like the voting thing. I would like to be able to collapse a thread
without it showing externally with a vote count. The collapse idea is excellent though.
The question is also irrelevant, as the old A2K design was headed for trouble. That was also explained by Robert.
Nimn, it's not a matter of who's right or wrong. I am interested in knowing
who likes the current design better than the old, and who doesn't.
So far 7 - No
7 - Yes
to me this the way Web 2.0 looks - cutting edge
I miss the email updates. Hard to tell who has replied to a post, so I waste time searching. I would like to edit spam tags out too.
I'm only here because of the people.
Yes, but there's still a lot of key pieces missing and there's a lot in way of improvements that can be done.
I posted a bit about the improvements in the immediate future here:
Edit: by the way, when those changes launch, get ready to relearn muscle memory. It's a lot more like the old site, but the months on this UI have build the logo click muscle memory up and you'll have to develop muscle memory for the old-style "new posts" link.
You'll understand what I mean when you see it.
CalamityJane wrote:
Thanks for the "irrelevance" tagline to whomever

Got pissed, eh?
That was easy enough to fix, I just had to tag it a bit and it went away. It's also something I've been thinking of ways to curb. I think listing who tagged the thread will reduce it a bit, as well as being a nice social feature to help users follow the people who follow the things they are interested in.
Don't know if that made much sense the way I explain it, but the short version is that I've been working on ideas to make that better, but even now if you want to get rid of them it just use all the valid tags you can think of and they usually go away.
@Merry Andrew,
Yes...but I'll likely be happier with it a bit down the track.
I'm much more of a reader than a poster, and find that I have to spend an inordinate amount of time searching for relevant threads now. Pre changeover, I would scan the different forums/fora and choose where to explore, depending on my particular mood or fancy at that time. Be it politics, specific parts of the world, relationships, humor or just general, I could simply click that relevant section and find many interesting topics within a few further clicks of the mouse.
Now, I haven't a clue where I've been most of the time, or where I'm going next. User friendly for geeks, maybe, but not for ordinary folk, IMO.
My term "Geek" is not intended as an insult, I have to say. There are those that can fit right in and understand the vital importance of things like the ignore facility, voting up/down, muscle memory, the collapsing of threads and other such wondrous innovation.
To me, this is "geeky" behaviour, and good luck to anyone who has their brain wired in such a way that they can heighten their enjoyment of this site by pressing such buttons.
I, on the other hand, cannot be fussed with all of that and would just like to be able to easily find what I'm looking for "at a glance" (as I think it was called) and read/post in a simple fashion if I wish.
Are there any others here that feel this way?
I promise you will, right now you are probably used to going between topic and home page, and with the new posts page that's coming (like the old site used to have) you'll find yourself needing to break the habit of clicking the logo.
nimh wrote:
CalamityJane wrote:
I am doing the head count as nimh has accused me of making things up on the
spot and that the majority likes the new design.
Yeah, I responded when you asserted that "obviously a great majority of a2k regulars" doesn't like the new design - "that's a fact", you said - and that "90 % of users have difficulties with" it.
I responded that "obviously 89.9% of all statistics are made up on the spot (to suit one's own needs). That's a fact."
Personally, I wrote, I'd bet it was a minority who was unhappy, just a loud one, but that there was no way to know unless you wanna do a head count.
So here we are.
Of course, this was all after
you wrote that we should "file a petition to have an equivalent forum style like the old one and [..] if the majority wants the old design or something equivalent, then it should be done."
Current count here is 6 yea, 6 nay -- so thus far it doesn't look like either of us was right...
I do wonder what CJ hopes to achieve by this sort of thing.
Being hurtful and distressing and alienating to Craven and the weeny incipient team?
Likely not.....but CJ, what IS the effect?
But seeing as how America has lost itself to socialism, I doubt my vote counts much here either.
Yes - 12
No - 11
More "Noes" than I expected. But more in line with what I expected, they're definitely not "a great majority" (or one at all, right now).
But looking forward to the upcoming changes ... as usual.