Foxfyre wrote:
Everybody can't work for the government Cyclop and retain our quality of life.
Ah, you've descended into ideology when your main argument has been shown to be factually incorrect.
Quote:If we are unwilling to allow a mismanaged or union controlled business to fail; if we are unwilling to allow the free market to work, then pretty soon there won't be enough taxpayers left to sustain much of anything. I prefer to take the medicine early and sustain less damage.
Then you agree that we should have let ALL the banks and investment houses fail? Just, let the chips fall where they may?
In certain situations, you have to do what is best for the situation - not what your ideology says is the right thing to do. Letting GM and potentially many smaller companies who rely upon it to survive, fail, in the middle of a bad liquidity crisis and recession, would have put a nuclear bomb into our economy and made things much, much worse. How can you possibly think that would have been a good idea to do, last Fall?
You ignore everything that counters your ideology, but that doesn't make for a very smart or convincing argument, now does it?