@Robert Gentel,
"But it's certainly not the most racist, a lot of the obsession stems from anti-racists in addition to racists. In my personal experience South Africa would top that list (of most racist). I've lived with a number of South Africans and knew many of them, and still haven't met a single South African who didn't wear his racism on his sleeve and reminisce with nostalgia about violence they committed against blacks or rant about any atrocity they can attribute to blacks. There are only a few South Africans I've met who didn't go out of their way to make sure I knew about the baby raping cure for AIDS stories, the crime stories and anything negative in their efforts to portray blacks as primitive."
How dare you?? My entire family and most of their family friends are South African, and the vast majority of them are very nice people, not racist at all. I have never heard a single racist word being uttered from any of their mouths. Never. Do you think that maybe because I'm young they wouldn't talk to me about it? I have lived with my parents for my entire life and never have I heard them talking to eachother or talking to anyone else about "violence they comitted against blacks" or "atrocity they can attribute to blacks". Have you ever been to South Africa? Do you have any idea what it is like there?? Some parts of cities you (if you're white) can't even go to in broad daylight. it's so dangerous. Now of course, I'm not saying that blacks are responsible for their own socio-economic status and hence their need to resort to crime to make a living for their family, but all the violence commited by black people against whites could extremely easily stir up hatred that maybe wasn't even previously there. And yet, despite this I have never, ever seen an ounce of racism from any of the South Africans I know. And I can tell you right now, I know a hell of a lot more South Africans than you do. And if they tell you about crime that might make blacks seem primitive, they're not lying. It happens. Anyway, increasingly in South Africa are whites and blacks becoming friends, my relatives included.
Maybe next time you should think before making wild accusations about an entire country.