DrewDad wrote:
Like the fact you mistakenly believe that correlation implies causation?

Correlation frequently implies causation. What it usually can't do is
prove it. This is what happens when you take a phrase at face value that you don't really understand. The phrase "correlation does not imply causation" is an appropriate response if someone claims correlation
proves causation. No one here did that. Even then; the statement itself is fatally flawed because the word "imply" means "suggest", not "mandate."
Watch: Smoking causes lung cancer. This is true, right? How do we know? We know because we've observed mountains of data that
implies those who smoke have a greater chance of being stricken with lung cancer. This has never been directly observed. There has never been a perfectly controlled environment to observe it. We also know that some non-smokers get lung cancer and many smokers never do. However, the
correlation implies causation so strongly that it has become widely accepted as fact. How would you explain this with your text-book repetition of the unfortunate phrase?
Interestingly, it is
you who has regularly used the word correlation when you apparently meant causation... not I. You then proceeded to provide numerous examples that not only suffered the same scientific shortcoming; but were consistently less representative of the available data, and frequently not even addressing the same sample group.
DrewDad wrote: Like the fact you are unable to recognize a heterogeneous sample?
That's a big word for someone who can't understand the definition of
correlation, with two dictionary references, no less. The DOJ doesn't provide State by State numbers. The graph I provided used the best information available, as near as I could find, when I went through this with Joe years ago. Insofar as the deterrent argument is concerned; the inclusion of non death penalty states isn't terribly consequential anyway for three reasons.
1. The cause and effect relationship, was never going to be direct anyway.
2. The correlation can be observed regardless.
3. The sheer volume of immeasurable factors is sufficient to prevent the correlation from ever being concrete proof of causation anyway. (Lucky for you, IMO.)
Now if you can find reliable stats on only states that have capital punishment; I would love to see them. From my opening post; I've conceded that the correlation
could be coincidence; I just tend to doubt it.
DrewDad wrote:Like the fact you refuse to address evidence that contradicts your belief?
I've refused to address nothing. You have provided nothing that contradicts the graph I presented beyond naked assertions.
On the greater argument; I find your evidence less compelling, and frankly, I only consider whatever deterrent value may exist to be a bonus to the undeniable reduction of recidivism that the Death Penalty provides. Deterrent value is not the motivating factor of my belief.
DrewDad wrote: Like the fact you believe scorn can be substituted for reason?

I have offered no more scorn than you have, regardless of what you mutual admiration club wants to pretend. I have steadfastly tried to get you to admit the obvious error in your interpretation of correlation, and your childish refusal to accept the factual definition provided is well worthy of scorn.
DrewDad wrote:"Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig."
Goodnight, Wilbur.
I can't even teach a reasonably intelligent adult to consult a dictionary... which probably makes you the most willfully ignorant person I've ever discussed this with.