DrewDad wrote:
OCCOM BILL wrote:You can show no more causation there than in my example.
That's the point. There is no correlation between murder rate and having the death penalty. In other words, having a death penalty does not deter people from committing murder. Am I going too fast for you?

No, you're going to fast for
you... and making a fool of yourself. The
correlation couldn't be more obvious, or you wouldn't have even thought to object to the graph in the first place.

Stating "2+2 does not equal 5" has no bearing on the FACTS clearly illustrated on the graph… Neither does your equally ridiculous example of idiotic correlation. Inferring causation in the correlation I provided is quite reasonable. Not so yours, which makes it a useless, idiotic thing to introduce to the discussion.
Further; you have provided not one shred of evidence to back your claim. NOTHING. You've denied a correlation that a child could spot, then attacked the veracity of a proof of causation claim that no one has made, but haven't even provided an alternative theory, let alone
proven it false. Who do you think you're impressing with naked assertions of denial, based on NOTHING more than your say so? I simply provided facts for people to consume and make their own judgment. If you want to argue the correlation illustrated in the graph is as meaningless as the idiotic example you provided; it is on you to prove it. I won’t be holding my breath.
DrewDad wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:Further; you are using different sample groups altogether and assuming the Death Penalty is the only variable. That is even less reliable than using the ban on the Death Penalty in THE EXACT SAME sample group. You can’t really be this stupid.
you posted data that showed murder rate and executions as the only data lines, and now you're complaining that there may be other variables? You are impeaching
your own argument. And you're calling
me stupid?

No; I'm impeaching the idiotic argument you falsely attributed to me. While I haven't claimed the obvious correlation illustrated in the graph constitutes proof of causation; YOU have steadfastly insisted it is meaningless. Your options are PROVE IT, retract it, or continue making a fool of yourself.