hawkeye10 wrote:
love and consent have not always been a part of marriage. The only constants have been a lifetime commitment to union between and man and a woman. The lifetime part is gone, and now we are about to end the man/woman part. What remains of marriage? I think it remains only as a token of commitment between two people who are afforded special financial and legal goodies from the collective for the individuals who sign up. Then the question becomes why are we shoveling resources towards people who choose to get married, what is the collective getting out of the deal now that traditional marriage is gone? Not much I think. If the collective stops handing out the goodies forget about it, few people will bother to get married, because at the point it will be clear how worthless marriage has become.
Fewer people get married because the bible has clouded simple love and commitment up with female subservience to men... If there were less people trying to force these barbaric male egotistical biblical ides on women more people would marry out of the goodness and freedom of the heart. Constants? From whose perspective? You want to use the bible to justify that marriage is between a man and a woman but what of Solomon? Was that a lifetime commitment between a man and 50 or so women? And you call that a constant? I call that male chauvinism... nothing God inspired about that. At least not my god...
We have some Mormons today using that same, err, constant and tradition you speak of to justify them lording over women with polygamy and making babies like mosquitoes. Is this the "traditional" marriage you speak of? If you are going to use one passage in the bible to justify your brand of marriage why is it not fair game to use them all? Oh I see male kings can have many wives because they are kings... again this is pure crap! If marriage is used to procure children ask Henry the eights wives if they approve... Henry had to kill them all off to stay right with YOUR version of god...
And supposedly Paul the apostle used it in Ephesians to justify even more male chauvinism that a woman is to be a servant to her husband as a man is a servant to Jesus... Is that not a bit gay? And women are forbidden to speak in the church... Mary Magdalene was not forbidden to speak to Jesus... I guess the God of the bible does not care what women have to say as long as they obey men, huh? And you want to use this same book of hypocrisy and sexual tyranny to deny gays the right to marry? Doesn't the bible have enough blood on its hands? Islam uses these same passages to treat women like ****. I am a homosexual and still my conscience says this is terribly wrong. What of your conscience?
You talk of traditional marriage and how it is tied into the bible but traditional marriage is part of the freedom movement and age of reason and was long divorced from the bible's male chauvinist messages of hate, murder and subservience. And a woman cannot divorce even if her husband is being a pig, sleeping around and beating on her and the kids? A man cannot divorce his wife even if she is dressing like a whore and sleeping with every man on their street and bringing home diseases? So you are saying less men will want not marry if they are not promised a thousand virgins? What kind of woman wants to marry that kind of man? We have men in the church as we speak trying to take a woman's choice away with how she perceives her own body and procreation. Face it the bible treats woman like dogs...
The only truth about marriage I see in the bible is that it is mostly false. Marriage is about two consenting adults who love each other and view each other as equals and want to enjoy their lives together in love and the bonds matrimony. It is about trust, equality and love. It is not about their sexuality, or filling the earth with babies.. it is first about mutual love between two people. If it was based upon sex the harems might come into the equation. It is about two people of either sex who love each other and want to commit to a lifetime of monogamy. This lifetime may or may not involve kids. That is ultimately up to them to decide. After the children are grown and on their own the couple will still be together if love endures.
If one decides to go out and destroy and exploit the marriage with constant affairs the other should be free to simply divorce and in time find another who treats the marriage with respect and trust.
Just because one person become unfaithful does not mean both have. Is a family better off with one spouse always out dogging or cruising while the other remains monogamous? Or is the family unit better if the monogamous one finds another to be monogamous and faithful with? In other word a loving household rather than a household with constant bickering and hatred. In those cases children are often better off with a single parent and a protection order... Also, if two people split up and find other spouses then the children have two possible households to choose from rather than one dysfunctional one.
Again this, divorce is evil crap, is just unreasonable where not all people can live together under the same roof and it takes time to figure this out. Does better or for worse mean staying with a daddy who is a constant drunk or mommy who shoots up heroin? Some people have no intention of changing their terrible ways and there needs to be an out, both for the spouses sake and for any children involved. Let people marry let them divorce and let the children make a case on who they want to be with or let them fight it out in court and let a judge and laws based upon equality decide who of either spouse is the most responsible parent...