You seem to live by the word of images of pipsqueaks Rex.
Is it exciting watching lesbians on TV? Is she a lesbian in order to draw attention to herself? Or is she daring some man to take her on and give her the cure? His clincher being "how do you know you don't like it if you haven't tried it?" Which is an intellectual argument as well as a sensual one and as such wouldn't, or shouldn't, be lost on a Rhodes scholar. Unless she replies, "I hate men".
Where does that leave you old chap?
It's always going to be good PR to be the first outed lesbian on TV. It's the easy way to double the ratings. It's all well worn cliches after that. Most of them being present on these threads.
Nothing new. Hence you just like TV images telling you what you want them to tell you. Which is catechismic really. Repetitive mantras reassuring you. Verbal caresses.
Try watching stuff that challenges your opinions. Give it a break and see if it is as stupid as you think.
You'll never be a songwriter worthy of the name unless you do.