@Shadow X,
I don't believe anything you post...
You are hateful, deceitful and considering what you posted about Senator
Catherine Cool Rumsey you are lacking in any and all moral character... And, probably a womanizer...
I don't believe your hateful graphic on gays and I think you are probably the lowest form of life on earth, yes, even lower than a pedophile...
I bet in your turd brain you believe the earth is 6000 years old too!!! hahaha!!!!!!!! LOL, no, ROTFLOL!!!!! No amount of science and reason or even 5 billion year old evidence will convince you otherwise. Your authoritarian parents did a number on you...
Do you rejoice when LGBT kids kill themselves... huh? Who's the pedophile? Who's the one without wholesome parental nurturing and acceptance towards youth? In your book some children are okay and some it is okay to victimize...
I would draw your attention to future hell, fire and brimstone but living one day in your sick pea brained mind must be hell enough for anyone...
The Bible talks about pity versus compassion... I pity you because compassion surely seems wasted and vanity with such a self-righteous jerk like you.
And I bet also you are a closeted homosexual. You need to create everyone in your own image to ease your own guilt.
Real men don't need to belittle gays to make themselves feel better...
This article is about you Shadow X... (And Neo, something to think about)
Are Homophobic People Really Gay and Not Accepting It?
A series of studies recently published in the prestigious Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found higher levels of homophobia in individuals with unacknowledged attractions to the same sex,
Does your attraction extend beyond being a closeted gay? Seems likely considering your endless homophobic diatribe and gross obsession with gays AND pedophilia...