Do you claim that Iraq was a defensive war??
I do; yes, up to,
not beyond the time that Saddam was overthrown.
When Saddam was in power he was an intolerable threat;
a vindictive homicadal maniac with a grudge against us
and with access to nukes that he coud smuggle in on us.
Bush was a fool for allowing him to remain in power.
General George Patton let it be known
that he did
not wish to pay for the same real estate 2ice.
That lesson was lost on Bush; he who does not learn from history
is doomed to repeat it.
W woud never had needed to go to war
if his father had finished the job,
and we 'd not have suffered the damage to our economy,
if we 'd just overthrown Saddam, killed him, and returned home,
somewhat similar to what Bush did in Panama,
where we did not hang around long.
If our economy were in better shape,
then we 'd not have suffered this catastrophic loss of America at the polls.
I devoutely wish that Reagan had chosen more wisely,
a genuine conservative for VP. I wish he 'd chosen Senator Phil Gramm of Texas.