The intent of these new funds is to buy votes.
Obama promised cuts for 95% of Americans.
Since 40% of Americans don't pay taxes, he must have been promising a very large number of Americans a check.
I pay a **** load of taxes and I also contribute a lot of money to charities.
I don't get any credit, among our sanctimonious friends on the Left for the latter, because they want the government to be the source of all largess since they know their meagre incomes will not be expected to contribute.
For those who truly cannot support themselves and their families because of disability or temporary economic failure, I pay taxes and contribute to charities without regret.
I do not, however, think that people who make a living off of playing welfare statutes are worthy of my largess.
First of all, I work damned hard for my money. I am not stealing it from anyone, nor do I acquire it by exploiting anyone.
Secondly, I have had to live through years as a "have-not" in the process of achieving my current economic status.
Now in my 50's I am making a lot of money, and I am being required to give up a chunk of it to pay for people in their 20's and 30's who are not willing to work as hard as I did to get where I am today.
If you think that all the money taken from us in taxes is only being given to the people with real needs, then let me tell you about a property i have in the Florida everglades.
I don't need the people who are not being asked to contribute to tell me how much I must contribute.
Throughout this election campaign, we have been treated by Liberals who insist that they would be more than wiling to pay more in taxes.
The fact is that the US Treasury will not reject contributions, and charitable organizations will not either.
What we are actually faced with is people who want to feel good on my dime.
When Liberals begger themselves supporting those they believe are poor, I will take their criticism and cries seriously.