I suspect you aren't racist, but merely partisan, but as to your arguments:
1) Character: You are voting for a serial cheater who would compete well with Clinton for chasing tail and a VP who has used her office to settle personal scores. You are voting against a man who is obviously highly committed to his family and against a VP candidate who is likewise committed to his family. No matter how many times Obama's "connections" to Ayers, et al. are debunked, you refuse to let it go, but McCain's well documented and extremely close relationship to Keating gets a pass. McCain's close ties to the gambling industry, pass. Obama's work on behalf of veterans, ignored. You favor McCain who was given every break by his family's connections to counter his lack of performance against Obama who worked his way up through the public school system to graduate from Harvard Law.
2) Party voting record: Why is this a fault? If you were campaigning for Liddy Dole or another Republican, you would trot this out as a plus. From my point of view, the Republicans have been off track for several years now, so why would Obama vote with them? When the right is steering off a cliff, I turn left.
3) Lack of a clear economic plan: The plan on Obama's website is reasonably fleshed out for an election season plan that has to be negotiated with Congress. McCain's plan is more sparse, but you don't care. McCain's plan has been panned by economists all across the nation, but it still has your support. Is this rational? Obama's plan has not been met with wild cheering, but at least it doesn't stink to high heaven.
4) Foreign policy experience: You're right. Obama's only defense here is that he has as much foreign policy experience as several recent presidents did on their first days in office and Obama has shown that he's willing to listen to advice and select a wide variety of advisers. McCain has experience, but somehow that translates into "we should stay in Iraq" and "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran".
The visceral hatred toward Obama displayed on this site and on the campaign trail points to something fundamentally wrong. I don't like McCain as a politician because of his own actions. Eight years ago, I voted for him, but since then he has embarked on a course I can't follow. I don't hate him. Those who thing Obama is a Muslim, terrorist, etc or for that matter think that Obama and Ayers are "palling around" despite the inability of the entire nation's resources to find such a link need to ask themselves why they are going there. It's not his lack of foreign policy experience.