Unless I'm mistaken, the US Treasury accepts donations.
You can also donate a portion of your wealth to any number of charities that will:
* Help out a single woman who decided to leave her husband
*Help out an individual with a mental disorder
*Help out an ex-drug addict get the wheels on his life turning
As a private citizen you can join like minded inviduals in your community to and "adopt a street," pledging to keep it clean and attractive.
You can help improve the environment in many ways through simple conservation.
The federal government already has enough money to build and maintain federal highways. None of us needs to be taxed more heavily to accomplish this task, unless the money already collected for it is diverted.
The federal government covers between 7% and 9% of the funding for public schools. If you would like to see a new teacher added to the staff of your local school you should focus your wealth redistribution efforts to your state or local municipality.
Unless you don't believe Obama when he insists that he will lower
your taxes and only raise
mine, your post is only so much sanctimony.
How convenient it is to spend other people's money on what you want and when they complain, call them greedy, selfish, cynical and stupid.