I'm glad that your are interested in the principles of individual rights and sovereignty. Even though the issues you raise are off topic, I will address them.
I noticed you claim to have a Christian background. If one deconstructs Christianity, they will find out that Christianity is just neo-Judaism. All Abrahamic Religions whether the derivation being it Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or Nazism, are only schisms of the original illegitimate patriarchal structure of control. When you build a dogma on a foundation that is a fraud, all that follows is just a continuation of the same fraud (criminality).
Don't confuse Jesus with Christianity. There is no book of Jesus. Paul started the first schism off of Judaism, about Jesus, which is today known as Catholicism. Catholicism and Islam are only controlled oppositions in the collectivist paradigm. In the collectivist paradigm, there needs to be a controlled opposition for the dialectical process to work, of constant conflict between extremely different ideas that keep blending together, over and over, forming new ideas that keep merging and blending again and again, for collective control.
Outside the context of Judaism, there is no such thing as a Jew. So, because Judaism and all of its schisms promotes criminality, a Jew is a criminal.
If you truly believe in individual rights and sovereignty that which Jesus stood for, you can not be a collectivist (Christian), because the two concepts are totally incongruent.