I am trying to teach my child a lesson on what is proper behaviour.
May I offer these notions for your consideration ?
Altho my mother taught me math and geografy,
formatted as lectures, I remember her with
earned respect
and fondness for her sitting down with me and
earnestly reasoning,
on a bilateral, interactive basis, from an early age.
When I began the first grade at age 6,
I intuited that jurisdiction derived from consent of the governed.
I had a
HUGE jurisdictional challenge in mind
and I contemplated
rejecting the demands of the educational establishment.
I remember rather emotionally demanding of my mother:
" where in the
HELL, do thay think thay have the right to get
to go over
THERE !! ??? " whereupon,
we sat down at our kitchen table, and she spent the next half hour
explaining the need for and benefits of education,
at whose conclusion, candor required me to put up the White Flag,
however grudgingly. I found my mother 's reasoning inexorable.
I don t believe that I 'd have been as impressed,
if she had merely taught me "a lesson" without actually
convincing me, in good faith, of the merit of her arguments.
She was always earnest and honest, and never played the part
of a hot-shot know-it-all.
Many decades have passed since I lost my mother,
but I warmly remember
Yes, she can make decisions for herself, however,
I want her to realize that you don't go with the crowd
(ie because some one is not popular you are mean to them
or don't talk to them)
From what u posted,
I inferred that your child already figured that out.