okie wrote:
yeah, oe, the Democrats would rather examine the personal details of "Joe the Plumber" than they would Obama. It goes to show you who they, and apparently you, disdain in this country, and it isn't the weird activists, it is the everyday citizen out here that Obama claims he wants to help, with the same old mantra, health care and education. Suckers, lots of suckers, all around.
You sound angry, okie....
But I'll agree with you on this issue, too. I don't care whether Joe the plumber is the embodiment of the American dream or a criminal sought for tax fraud across twelve states. Sure, you can use his case as an example, and then discuss which of the candidates' tax plans would work better for him - a plan that would allow him to keep more money, or a plan that would allow his customers to keep more money. The discussion about his personal life - immaterial. Nobody cares. Not important.
And now, okie, please explain to me how the fact that I'm digging into Joe the Plumber's private life shows my "disdain" for America, even though I didn't even mention the dude.
Are you making wild accusations merely based on crazy-eyed assumptions of what people believe?
Go ahead. I'm waiting for a rational explanation.