@Bella Dea,
I know dogs need consistency, and maybe you're doing that. But if you yell one time for something he does and ignore other times - busy with baby or whatever - he will be confused. He knows how to stay off of the bed, so he can learn about tables and countertops as well - but is he consistently told to get off of these areas? I know from watching the Dog Whisperer that problems with dogs are because of the owners. I'm not saying you're a bad owner at all, obviously you care about the dog or you wouldn't be here. But there's something wrong in the way you and the dog relate. I would also agree with (I forget who said it) the poster who mentioned being very careful of leaving your child unattended with this doggie around. Dogs can be unpredicable and your comments about the dog being perhaps jealous, like chewing up the child's things in the bedroom & stealing things, are a clue that the dog is feeling ticked off.
He definitely wants the attention and bad attention is better than no attention. I don't exactly agree that being aggressive with your dog, such as in showing who's boss by throwing him to the floor and standing over him are ways that will endear you to him. I do notice on Dog Whisperer that he doesn't have to be mean or aggressive with the dogs. Try to get inside the dog's head and figure out what pushes his buttons. Also be careful in letting a small child handle a dog. Children don't mean to hurt animals but sometimes they poke or pull and biting is the inevitable outcome, which is not the dogs' fault. Hope it works out for you.