Cycloptichorn wrote:
slkshock7 wrote:
These calls about racism are simply Dem fear tactics designed to get folks to the polls...and completely unfounded.
Quote:Inland GOP mailing depicts Obama's face on food stamp

look, since i'm one of those folks who believe that the word racism gets tossed out too often and is used as an excuse a lot of the time, i'm not inclined to have a knee jerk reaction to this.
so, let me give it too you straight slkshk7;
if you've ever lived in so cal, where this letter originated, you'd know that most of the food here falls into mexican, asian, middle eastern stuff with a few burger joints that still sell burgers instead of kabobs. so cal kfc's are a complete joke.
although i love fried chicken, being a southern boy, most people here just aren't into it. we have a lot of picnics with friends and family. in the 33 years i've lived here, watermelon has made an appearance once. ribs more often.
the point is that when the average person in southern california thinks about "just food", as the woman claims; ribs, cool aid, fried chicken and watermelon are not the first things that jump to mind.
those foods do, however, have a general indentification in the old days as being favorites of blacks.
who's kidding who? "just food"? gimme a break.
even to me, it's obvious that the woman wanted to make it clear that if obama becomes president, "alla those darkies are gonna be soaking up the food stamps for a daily fix o' fah-ried chicken and waddymeluns".
it's not the first time i've seen the gop come up with this crap either. i was at my place down in tennessee a couple of years ago when the state gop ran the idiotic "harold, call me" ads.
maybe you're okay with overlooking "just a little racism" over politics. i'm not.
in any case, i tend to vote for the person that's i think is going to do the best job, no matter what color, what party or what sex.
this time, i think that person is obama.