Was Allied bombing of Germany Jan - April 1945 a war crime?

Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 01:27 pm
Setanta wrote:
Oralloy wrote:
At no time did they try to select a target with the goal of making sure they killed civilians.

When the commander of the XXth USAAF, Curtis LeMay, made the willful decision to switch from high-altitude, daytime "precision" bombing to low-altitude, nighttime incendiary area bombing, with the intention of starting firestorms to destroy the city centers, they were making sure they were killing civilians, and at that time offered the justification that they were trading the lives of Japanese for the estimated one million Allied casualties which it was believed would result from an invasion of the Japanese archipelago.

The target selection for conventional incendiary bombing doesn't have much to do with the target selection for the A-bombs.

But it is true that their choice ensured they were killing civilians.

Those civilian deaths were not the goal behind the target selection though. They wanted to destroy the war industry in those cities.

Setanta wrote:
I notice you have no comment on the remarks of Robert McNamara with regard to his conversations with Curtis LeMay. Are you now willing to state that McNamara is a liar, or are you going to suggest that you know better than someone who was an eyewitness to those events, and who worked at the side of the man who made the targeting and operational decisions?

I have no particular objections to McNamara's statements (maybe a few nitpicks, but nothing significant). I only object to the absurd notion that his statements somehow contradict anything I've said.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 01:30 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
You claim to understand both the Geneva Convention and the UN, but your opinions contradict the understanding of both organizations of which the US is a "legal" participant.

No they don't.

("The" Geneva Convention -- as if there were only one???)

cicerone imposter wrote:

Torture is illegal under the Geneva Convention, and the Iraq war did not have the approval of the UN - which made the war illegal.


cicerone imposter wrote:

You are obviously an ignoramus when it comes down to international laws and logic.

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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 01:31 pm
How about 99%? LOL
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 01:33 pm
@cicerone imposter,
By McNamara himself:

In "Fog of War" -- which opened recently nationwide -- McNamara, in his mid-80s, speaks agonizingly of his moral culpability in World War II and later in Vietnam in the '60s and early-'70s.

McNamara saw himself as a loyal soldier, who told the truth to his boss, the President of the United States -- that the Vietnam war was unwinnable, that the best thing the U.S. could hope for was an endless stalemate -- but who was overruled. Rather than resign in protest, as a way of perhaps saving tens of thousands of American (and many hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese civilian) lives, he stayed on as a technocrat, positively spinning the war news while leading a disastrous campaign he knew made no sense. His soul was forever tarnished.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 01:37 pm
Setanta wrote:
This is the opening paragraph of the 1953 report:

The reasons for and the nature and consequences of the bombing of Dresden, Germany, by Allied air forces on 14-15 February 1945 have repeatedly been the subject of official and semi-official inquiries and of rumor and exaggeration by uninformed or inadequately informed persons. Moreover, the Communists have with increasing frequency and by means of distortion and falsification used the February 1945 Allied bombings of Dresden as a basis for disseminating anti-Western and anti-American propaganda. From time to time there appears in letters of inquiry to the United States Air Force evidence that American nationals are themselves being taken in by the Communist propaganda line concerning the February 1945 bombings of Dresden. (emphasis added)

That's got whitewash written all over it. It is obvious that the 1953 report was written for political and propagandistic reasons. That makes its conclusions suspect. Alexander McKee writes:

"The standard whitewash gambit, both British and American, is to mention that Dresden contained targets X, Y and Z, and to let the innocent reader assume that these targets were attacked, whereas in fact the bombing plan totally omitted them and thus, except for one or two mere accidents, they escaped."

The truth of this can be seen from reading the 1953 report, which lists several targets without subsequently stating that those targets were attacked.

It looks to me like it lists two targets for the day of the infamous raid. One was the target of US bombers (the marshalling yards) and one was the target of UK bombers (the entire city center).

The third listed target (the industrial area) was for an entirely different raid than the one in question.
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Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 02:21 pm
Your response is meaningless, as it ignored the more than 60 cities which were intentionally firebombed by XXth USAAF. In fact, i did not at any time refer to the atomic attacks. To claim that civilian deaths were not a goal of firebombing is either incredibly naive or willfully disingenuous. Since you are so obviously engaged in a whitewash of American policy with regard to the use of USAAF resources, i guess it's probably the latter which motivates you.

This is more than confirmed by your response to McNamara's remarks. The point of this thread is a discussion of war crimes. Of course, since you persist in trotting out unsupported statements from authority, and simply say that there were no war crimes, it's easy to see why you would desperately wish to ignore Mr. McNamara's remarks.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 02:26 pm
The 1953 document reads:

Among these were dispersed aircraft components factories; a poison gas factory (Chemische Fabric Goye and Company); an anti-aircraft and field gun factory (Lehman); the great Zeiss Ikon A.G., Germany’s most important optical goods manufactory; and, among others, factories engaged in the production of electrical and X-ray apparatus (Koch and Sterzel A.G.), gears and differentials (Saxoniswerke), and electric gauges (Gebruder Bassler).

These were not targeted, and, as McKee points out, in those cases where some small portion of these enterprises were hit, it was an accident of the overall operation, and not a result of precision targeting. You continue to fail to respond to the ordnance mix of the operation, and to ignore that the USAAF raid was an area bombing, and not a precision raid.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 02:35 pm
When i say that your conclusions are mistaken, referring to a report which i have pointed out is a whitewash and saying that you agree with that report's conclusions, does nothing to establish the truth of your conclusions.

Your conclusions are mistaken.

Something else you don't know conclusively is whether or not the USAAF started a firestorm in Dresden. With nearly 500 tons of high explosives dropped and nearly 300 tons of incendiaries dropped in the city center, and dropped in an area attack, not a precision attack, the conclusion is inescapable, except, perhaps, for those wishing to conduct a whitewash. Unless you now claim that you were in the city center of Dresden on the morning of February 14, 1945 (which i am not prepared to believe), i have no reason to assume that you know any more about it than anyone else. My references to the report have been for the purpose of showing what the USAF was willing to admit, and to refer to their data on the amount and composition of the ordnance used. Referring to that report does not oblige me to agree with its conclusions; nor am i so facile (as apparently you are) as to fail to notice what they don't mention--such as having specifically targeted and attacked locations which they listed as targets, but didn't attack, and such that they make no mention of a firestorm. They're conducting a propaganda exercise in a document the provenance of which is political. There is no reason to be surprised that it was written carefully so as not to give the impression that the USAAF did what in fact it did do--used an ordnance mix with a very high proportion of incendiaries in the area bombing of the city center.

Another point which it appears that you miss is that as the topic of this thread is whether or not the bombing of Germany in 1945 was a war crime, pointing out that fighter escorts shot up the roads around Dresden, deliberately and acting upon explicit orders, constitutes evidence of a war crime.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 02:35 pm
Intact petrol storage tanks, next to the (main) marshalling yard in Dresden-Friedrichstadt (February 14, 1944)

Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 02:37 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
But CI, how can that be--the oracle, Oralloy, has already told us there was no fuel for a firestorm in or near the marshalling yard. Surely that is a mistake.

(So that Oralloy won't mistake himself, that was sarcasm.)
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 02:41 pm
The USAF were so good in bombing their targets that they missed it by purpose.
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Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 02:42 pm
Fiendishly clever, aren't they?
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 02:47 pm
Yes - they bombed the hospital instead.
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Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 02:50 pm
They got the refugee camps and the Allied POWs, too. That'll teach 'em ! ! !
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 02:58 pm
That's correct. But on the 15th, the smoke was so dense that they bombed Meissen (and Pirna): so the Nazi fat cats were cut off of expensive porcelane ...
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Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 03:00 pm
Oh the humanity ! ! !
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Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 03:48 pm
having lived as a teenager through WW II in germany , i'm somewhat reluctant to break into this discussion .
i learned early on that "war is hell in its extreme" .

there is no question that both the germans and the allies where trying to "win at any cost" .
there was no time to worry about civilians on either side - it was "all-out war" .
as the infamous german minister of propaganda , dr. joseph goebbels , asked the germans in a radio address - i remember it well - too well : " germans , do you want the TOTAL WAR ? " .
(of course , he didn't ask them ; he told them !)

we lived right in the port of hamburg where my dad worked .
the BBC "german news service" was quite regularly used in our house - very carefully , of course - to obtain news (we had no neighbours living close by ; so there was little danger of being spied upon) .

the night of july 24 , 1943 was the first of several air-raids directed at hamburg .
the BBC had warned that further raids against hamburg would follow shortly .
my dad told my mother and me to leave and take refuge with her father who lived in the country - about 30 km outside the city .

there was a small air-raid on the 26th and we were prepared to go home . my grandfather suggested we stay another day .

on the 27th the heaviest of the raids took place . we could see the "christmas-trees" being dropped by the forward bombers for illumination .
thereafter it just looked like the whole city had caught fire - fireballs were shooting into the air all over the place .
while we didn't talk about it , i really didn't expect to see my father or our house again .
about a week later , a message came from my father asking us "to come home" .
it was not a pleasant trip home , but we did get home : my father was alive and our house was still standing !

as it turned out , the areas damaged most heavily were those where the longshoremen and and other labourers and their families lived .
yes , the dockyards had received some damage but (as an example) the shipyards where the submarines were being built were intact - and they remained intact until after the end of the war .

in total about 50,000 people(mostly labourers and their families) died in those air-raids .
you can read the gruesome details and see the pictures elsewhere .



from the article :
On 24 July, at approximately 00:57AM, the first bombing started by the RAF and lasted almost an hour. A second daylight raid by US Army Air Force was conducted at 2:40PM. A third raid was conducted on the morning of the 26th. The night attack of 26 July at 00:20AM was extremely light (due to a severe thunderstorm and high winds over the North Sea during which a considerable number of bombers jettisoned the explosive part of their bomb loads) with only two bomb drops reported. That attack is often not counted when the total number of Operation Gomorrah attacks is given. There was no day raid on the 27th.

On the night of 27 July, shortly before midnight, 739 aircraft attacked Hamburg. A number of factors combined to give the enormous destruction that followed; the unusually dry and warm weather, the concentration of the bombing in one area and that the city's firefighters were unable to reach the initial fires " the high explosive "Cookies" used in the early part of the raid had prevented them getting into the center of the city from the periphery where they were working on the results of the 24th. The bombings culminated in the spawning of the so-called "Feuersturm" (firestorm).

Quite literally a tornado of fire, this phenomenon created a huge outdoor blast furnace, containing winds of up to 240 km/h (150 mph) and reaching temperatures of 800 °C (1,500 °F). It incinerated some eight square miles (21 km²) of the city, causing asphalt on the streets to burst into flame, killing many that had both taken shelter and not. Most of the casualties (40,000) caused by Operation Gomorrah happened on this night.

On the night of 29 July, Hamburg was again attacked by over 700 aircraft. The last raid of Operation Gomorrah was conducted on 3 August.

Operation Gomorrah caused at least 50,000 deaths, mostly civilians, and left over a million other German civilians homeless. Approximately 3,000 aircraft were deployed, 9,000 tons of bombs dropped, and 250,000 houses destroyed. No subsequent city raid shook Germany as did that on Hamburg; documents show that German officials were thoroughly alarmed and there is some indication from later allied interrogation of high officials, that Hitler thought that further attacks of similar weight might force Germany out of the war. Hamburg was hit by air raids another 69 times before the end of World War II.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 03:56 pm
History books say that something like 80,000 people died in the big firebomb raid over Tokyo in 1945. I don't believe that: I'd guess it was more like a million to a million and a half. Population density of the place was at least a hundred thousand per square mile and they burned down 16 square miles of it in the one night. Somebody trying to exit the scene would not have known which way to run and would have a 50% chance of running into worse grief than he was in.
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High Seas
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 03:57 pm
Hamburger - whether this true story helps with your recollection I don't know, but at least I can vouch for its accuracy:

In the late '70s I was working in London. My office was in Berkeley Square, a few steps from St James's, where all processions going to St Paul's Cathedral have to pass. One day a the body of a man named Harris was being taken to St Paul's for a memorial service, and the procession included several carriages of the royal family, as well as a number of military detachments - Harris had served in the RAF, and he was the one who ordered the firebombing of Dresden. In street after street after street, pedestrians who had watched silently the military units and the royal carriages go by suddenly turned around to show their backs when the funeral casket drove past.

This was completely unplanned and deeply moving to watch - I count it to the eternal credit of the Brits.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 04:09 pm
@High Seas,
high seas :

i cannot blame the british , the americans , the soviets , the french ... ... for what they did during the war .
i am very glad that we have been able to make friends with people from many nations over the years - and if the war is mentioned at all , no one seems to have any real happy memories about it .
we've visited britain twice and been welcomed - both as germans and as "colonials" . we have many ex-british friends - we are all glad we survived .
unfortunately , (some of ) mankind still seem to believe that making war is a great idea - ITS HELL IN ITS EXTREME !

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