Sat 11 Oct, 2008 08:58 pm
Has ANYONE Changed His Mind about how to vote
based upon argument here or elsewhere ?
I already knew the ideology of each possible candidate
before anyone was nominated; that 's not hard.
Just read or watch the news and maybe probe:
dig into their voting histories and early offhand comments
while thay were not campaigning.
I did not like the Bushes.
I liked McCain less than the Bushes.
I like Sarah Palin very much for her libertarianism.
I am horrified by Hussein Obama 's leftist history.
So, I will vote for Sarah Palin.
Altho I keep an open mind,
it seems unlikely that sufficient new evidence
will arrive as to change my vote.
Has ANY OF U changed his mind about how to vote,
upon the basis of argument on the Internet ?
I doubt it.
Quote:I like Sarah Palin very much for her libertarianism.
You've certainly got yourself tricked, David.
Quote:Has ANYONE Changed His Mind ?
For a guy who suggests that he writes in a manner to make himself as clear as possible, you sure do follow a lot of hocus pocus language rules.
In every topic you've posted on, you've been quite a bit less than persuasive, David.
Quote: In every topic you've posted on,
you've been quite a bit less than persuasive, David.
Well, we sure are lucky to have your input, Jack.
I 'm sure u r a lot more persuasive.
C how u already talked me into voting for O boy.
I was willing to consider whatever point u wanted to make.
Don 't either of u wish us to know anything about u ?
or your interests ?
Neither of u has posted any profile.
Its free advertizing, subject to no control.
U can both tell us about all the Nobel Prizes u have both won
and how many times u 've been elected governor
of your respective states, like Sarah . . . .
I notice you omitted mention in your profile, inadvertently I'm sure, of the Nobel prizes you've won and the governorships you've been elected to too, David. Feel free to pretend all you want--we promise not to snicker audibly.
I haven't changed my mind, exactly, but I think it's fair to say I made up my mind due to discussions I've had, right here on A2K. I discuss politics here more than I do every other venue combined. Had you asked me three and a half years ago if I would vote for John McCain next month... I would have answered, in all likelihood, yes... with perhaps 90% confidence. And I'd have been very happy about the opportunity to do so. My politics have evolved a great deal from discussions here in general. I voted for Bush four years ago, but will be voting for Obama this time around.
I haven't changed my mind, exactly, but I think it's fair to say I made up
my mind due to discussions I've had, right here on A2K.
That 's interesting, Bill.
It shows that the forum has more tangible value than I 'd thought.
I discuss politics here more than I do every other venue combined.
Had you asked me three and a half years ago if I would vote for John McCain
next month ... I would have answered, in all likelihood, yes...
with perhaps 90% confidence. And I'd have been very happy about
the opportunity to do so.
How ironic.
Its reversed with me.
I 'd have been very aversive to McCain then.
U quote Ayn Rand.
Do u follow her ?
How 'd she feel about Obama ?
I notice you omitted mention in your profile, inadvertently I'm sure,
of the Nobel prizes you've won and the governorships you've
been elected to too, David. Feel free to pretend all you want--
we promise not to snicker audibly.
O, no; I 'm much too modest n humble qua any prizes.
That was a play on words qua the disparagement of Sarah Palin.
Don 't u
WANT us to know anything about u ?
david, modesty is not your strong suit.
That 's just because I 'm always so obsessed with
obama is our only chance, too bad hes scared of guns.
anyone else, and i think guns r the least of oru worries.
I have see sawed and changed my mind a couple of times this election...mostly because it has been so disgusting on both sides.
I now however am leaning toward going ahead and voting for Obama.... why? Because of Sara Palin. this ******* idiot will be just plain dangerous if the old man croaks. More dangerous even than bush IMO.
Palin has an 80%approval rating in Alaska, as compared to the ten or eleven percent rating congress has. She's basically a populist; I like populism better than communism....
well then by all means send her ass back to alaska....