Palin has an 80%approval rating in Alaska, as compared to the ten or eleven percent rating congress has. She's basically a populist; I like populism better than communism....
Sarah Palin is a populist? She might like to pretend she is just common folks but she is not a populist. Paul Wellstone was a populist.
'Populism' is a political ideology, the central tenet of which is the conviction that governments ought to concern themselves with providing the conditions for the greatest good for the greatest number.
Palin obviously has always been and remains an attention-seeking self-absorbed woman, probably afflicted with symptoms of Attention Seeking Syndrome. Her behavior is very similar to histrionic personality disorder:
I like Sarah Palin very much for her libertarianism.
IMO someone cannot be a libertarian, and be anti-abortion. A person's right to decide what to do with her own body is none of the government's business!
Phoenix, u raise a very powerful argument
that I cannot contradict.
The best that I can say is that as to other matters,
like the right to keep and bear arms,
she is better than the opposition, which is hostile to freedom.
Like the people on your side at McCain rallies who've yelled things like "Off with his head" and "kill him", when McCain has talked about Obama. You cool with that, David, or is it just the media you don't think people should advocate killing?
I doubt she ever heard of him; since she died when he was 21 years old. I think it's safe to say she would have been horrified by either McCain or Obama's promises of government interference/assistance. And, she would have been wrong.
well then by all means send her ass back to alaska....
yeah. let her explain her expert energy policies to these guys. they like to hunt, so i doubt they are liberals...
0 Replies
Sun 12 Oct, 2008 01:36 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
I like Sarah Palin very much for her libertarianism.
IMO someone cannot be a libertarian, and be anti-abortion. A person's right to decide what to do with her own body is none of the government's business!
0 Replies
Sun 12 Oct, 2008 01:40 pm
gungasnake wrote:
Palin has an 80%approval rating in Alaska, as compared to the ten or eleven percent rating congress has. She's basically a populist; I like populism better than communism....
not so fast there gungadonut.
the problem with being a big fish in a small pond is that everyone can see what you're up to;
Ivan Moore, a local pollster, recently found that Palin's support had slipped to 68 percent. The poll was conducted from Sept. 20 to 22 among 500 likely Alaska voters and has a margin of error of 4.4 percent.
Inside those numbers was a dramatic drop in support from Democrats and independents, although support from Republicans remained strong at 93 percent. Among Democrats, her approval rating dropped from 60 percent to 36 percent, a 24-point drop. Among independents, it fell from 82 percent to 64 percent, an 18-point drop.
Moore said those numbers were likely driven by the harsher tone Palin has adopted on the national campaign trail, as well as the fallout from Troopergate, which involves the firing of the state's public safety commissioner.
In addition, fiercely independent Alaskans resent moves by the McCain campaign to control what they see as purely state matters.
Sondra Tompkins, a reliably Republican voter, found herself speaking out at the rally -- upset, she said, because of Palin's handling of the trooper issue and the example it sets for children in the state.
"They're listening, they're watching, and they're asking questions," Tompkins called out to the crowd. "Do we tell them it's OK not to tell the truth? Do we tell them it's OK to bend the truth? Do we tell them it's OK to distort the truth if you have a gaggle of lawyers to defend you?
"It's not OK, and I think Alaskans have had enough."
I think many people must have changed their minds.
Every time David posts, Obama jumps a little further forward in the polls!
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Green Witch
Sun 12 Oct, 2008 08:14 pm
I changed my mind. I was never planning to vote for McCain, but I respected him and thought he was a person who loved this country and would always do what he thought was best for Americans. He certainly would never have made the mistakes that Bush has made if he was elected in 2000. However, after he allowed himself to be suckered into bringing Palin onto the ticket I lost all respect for him. I think his conservative posse made him pick her and he passively went along for the ride. So much for being a maverick. I can't imagine a more unworthy candidate to sit in the Oval Office than Palin (and McCain does not look like he will last another four years). She shows that she is as stupid as Bush every time she opens her mouth or bats her eyelashes. She proves that some Americans are so afraid of their government that they only want someone stupider than themselves to be in charge. She is an example of why the world laughs at Americans as unsophisticated, gun waving, hillbillies. All she needs is a banjo and big pig to make the picture complete.
Considering that the ice floes that polar bears depend on as hunting platforms are disappearing, so they're going to be starving, and considering Palin's lockstep support of the NRA, do you think she supports the right to arm bears?
0 Replies
Sun 12 Oct, 2008 08:32 pm
David asks, "Has ANYONE Changed His Mind ?"
RedState Co-Founder Can't Bring Himself To Vote McCain
"In the end, I couldn’t do it. My California ballot arrived in the mail today, and I opened it fully intending to vote for John McCain."
Do I believe in John McCain? Not as much as I used to. Do I believe in Sarah Palin? Despite my early enthusiasm for her, now not at all. Do I believe in the national Republican Party? Not in the slightest