@Diest TKO,
Diest TKO wrote:
I'm not the first to notice the overwhelming presence of US election topics. I thought to myself today that maybe our non-US A2Kers are being ostracized by this huge wave.
Simple solution: start lots of non-election related threads. If enough people are fed up with politics and want to talk about something else, those will thrive and stay on the New Posts homepage. If everyone who's bitchin' about all the politics threads would just start interesting threads about other stuff instead of bitchin', it wouldnt
be all politics.
farmerman wrote:
We are ALL totally bored at this whole election bullshit.
Odd, then, that all anyone starts are election threads. Well, ok, there's those and there's the seemingly unceasing threads complaining about how sucky and uninteresting a2k's become.
Merry Andrew wrote:
Soz has already said she's not, She's all fired up about her candidate. But that's an exception. Phoenix even has a thread about wishing this whole madness would stop.
Yep, and as counterpart there's this thread:
I am enjoying this election.
Merry Andrew wrote:Clicking on the "my posts" feature is good enough for me, except that nobody seems to be posting on any topics except the political ones these days.
Well, start some interesting threads then! I'm sorry, but you're one of the posters who most adamantly complains about how a2k has become sucky, but you havent started a thread yourself in a year. If you want people to talk about something that interests you, start a thread about something that interests you!
Same for you Farmerman. If you're right that everyone is totally bored out of their mind with all the political threads, surely eneough people would respond if you'd start an interesting thread about something else to keep it alive... you havent started a thread in a month - and your last one was about ... politics.
Look guys, it's not like this is a newspaper and you have no choice but just to consume what
"they" offer you, the powers that be or sumpin... it's also just up to all of you yourself. Fed up with the threads we start? Start other ones. As they say, "you've got the power!" Not on TV you dont, but here you do..
Sorry guys, I dont mean to personally attack you and I know that hey, Diest did exactly that just now, start a non-politics thread I mean. But jeebus it seems like all about half of a2k does nowadays is complain, and what gets me is that often the very same people who do the complaining arent doing anything to change anything about it; like just, you know, create different stuff then.
farmerman wrote:
I must admit to a fantasy of doing Sarah PAlin on the floor of the Princeton Engineering Library. Technically, that really isnt politics .
OK that was funny