I got to spend the weekend in Houston /Galveston -all by myself- .
I loved it and I am looking forward to doing it again. It cost me exactly 100.00 for two full days.. plus gas back and forth. Which amounted to a little over one tank.
I got to go to the beach, I got to have lunch with some friends, and best of all I got to do things how I wanted, and when I wanted.
Even the people around me reacted differently to me. I got smiles, hellos , assistance.. you name it! I had a wonderful time.
The beach was very calming and the water very cleansing. I dont remember a day where I felt that calm. It has been a looooooong time.
here are some of the photos I took.
I fell in love with the SeaGulls. Some people think of them as pests.. and I can see that. They are like pigeons. Shitting everywhere.. eating anything. HA
But I think they are really handsome birds and amusing to watch
They are not scared of you. They will land on your shoulder, walk around your feet ... I just.. LOVE those birds!
Here they are .. a group of them that walked by me.. as if I was just not walking FAST ENOUGH :lol and stopped a few feet in front of me to bask in some sun.
You can see some of their little foot prints in the sand where they trekked around me.
Here is my car, parked up on the end of the city.
Its quite cool.
ALL of the north south roads of Galveston just dead end right to the water.
There is one road that goes along the end of the state and that is how they painted that wall.
You can park any where along it, and just hop down that wall, or walk down the stairs and you are right there at the edge of the state with nothing but beach to look at.
Then once you bounce down that wall.. and you turn around... waves, water, sand, shells, the sound of water...
It is like turning around to face another dimension.
The waves were over my head what seemed only feet away...
But by the time they hit the shore, they were only at my knees
Then, while you are walking around, if you look down deep into the cracks of the rocks and behind boulders.. you see this stuff
Growing everywhere.
It looks awesome.. feels very soft for being something rather sharp. Almost like it is covered with some kind of moss that isnt big enough, or doesnt carry enough color for you to see... but it smells something horrid!
Then the Pelicans came out.
They fly in almost a straight line.. one right behind the other.
It seems as though they require the first two birds to be the lead birds and if they are off in any way, the whole line breaks up and they will fly in a circle until the first two regain their place and pace.. then take off again.
These birds are enormous! I never knew how big they really were. One landed on the shore.. quite a ways from me.. yet still looked like he could have stood with his head up past my bumm in height. Possibly weighing in around 50lbs or so. THEY ARE HUGE!
Then these tiny little tittering birds showed up. They squeak like doggie toys and run SUPER fast. I think they catch little crabs.
they keep a wide berth around people
( i have much more to post, flickr is just slow catching up to my uploads)