Quote:i didn't come away feeling like either one hit a home run.
An accurate impression.
Quote:that said, for whatever reason, i felt much more at ease when obama was speaking than mccain.
What a surprise!
Might it have something to do with the very strong bias you carried into your living room?
Quote:not just because i disagree with mccain's view of things for the most part, but i kept feeling like he was gonna jump over the podium and start shaking me around to get whatever point he was making across.
No, not at all.
Do you acknowledge that equally biased supporters of McCain felt as if they needed a shower after listening to Obama's slippery comments, and they are just as
regular as you?
Quote:mccain seems to want to cut all spending but military and entitlements. i suspect however that he would still make deep cuts into entitlements he didn't like. that leaves cutting all but military.
Well which is it?
Entitlements = Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Vet Benefits, Federal employee retirement funds, unemployment compensation, food stamps and agricultural price support programs.
Which entitlement programs do you think he will "cut?"
Agro subsidies? OK by me and probably OK by you if you realized that the Willie Nelson "Farm Aide" for family farms was an absolute farce. There are no more "family farms," unless you include in this definition families that have incorporated. "Farmers" are big businessmen and they are milking the American taxpayer for every nickel they can get. Forget your classically leftist romantic notions of agrarian societies. If you want to get uber-fat on the DC teat - be a farmer. The abuses in this field require an entirely separate thread.
Food Stamps? Fraud is rampant and the controls around what the stamps can purchase it ridiculous.
Unemployment Compensation? A very worthy program, but anyone who has taken advantage of this program knows that abuse is rampant. Collect Unemployment - work off the books. Negotiate a severance package? You can still collect unemployment. Who is minding the public's store? Have you ever collected Unemployment and had to deal with the governmental zombies? The best outcome, other than their ignoring fraud, is that you don't get some anal-retentive public servant who busts your balls on technicalities because it gives her a cheap thrill.
Federal Retirement Funds? Doesn't it piss you off that these jimoches get to retire on almost or full pay after 20 years? I suspect that we have a plethora of Gov employees on A2K so perhaps you don't share my pain. I got news for you, if you can comfortably retire after working for only 20 years then you are among the lucky SOB's, and you are leeching off the incomes of the rest of us. It can't happen any other way. I'm all for retirement funds, but you should work more than 20 years to collect. Try the 30 or 40 years the rest of us have to endure.
So what's left?
Vet Benefits? Nope, not McCain. Have a problem with that?
Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid? Who really cares what McCain or Obama thinks about these entitlement programs? Neither of them can cut them without the approval of congress and congress with never touch them until the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse come up over the ridge.
Quote:sounds too much like the soviet union to me. the ussr planned roughly 52% of their budget for military.
Tough to rationally argue with an idiot.
Quote:all in all, i still support obama.
A bigger surprise!!