Foxfyre wrote:
Somehow I think a 22-year military career that included 5-1/2 years as a POW
i love ya foxy, but i have to confess that i am really fed up with being hit over the head by the gop with "he's a vet and a pow".
the gop gave up all right to use the
honor the man's military service routine when they savaged john kerry in 2004.
since then, i am forced to see the claim as this; a 22 year military career that included 5 1/2 years as a pow makes mccain qualified to be a soldier and a pow. period.
there's a whole lot of guys that are combat veterans and talk about it a whole lot less. and i respect them a whole lot more for it.
and if you want to talk about community organizers? it was pointed out to me the other night that the founding fathers were... community organizers.
the gop? started by community organizers.
religions? started by community organizers.
i respect your commitment to your beliefs and to the republican/ conservative agenda, but don't expect me to just swallow it all and ignore what i've seen going on around me for the last 52 years.
i'm not blind.