Oh, look, another babboon.
Perception: a quick quiz--
What is the name of the hypocrite who is calling,along with his cronies, for respect and contribution to dialogue and exhange of ideas who uses the absolutely moronic and disrepectful appelation of Baboon to describe you.
It couldn't be Professor Hobibit could it?
Don't worry, perception, he only gets into that mode when he is unable to counter your ideas with rationality.
You're becoming very boring. Like most conservatives, you also have incredibly inflated opinion of your own value.
hobitbob wrote:thanks Wilso, but I'm an Arab,and will therefore be lined up against the wall soon!

Met a muslim guy at a meeting at work a few days ago. Lovely guy.He was telling me about his pilgrimage to Mecca. He holds dual citizenship in Australia and one of the countries over there (can't remember which). He was apparently very scared of getting conscripted while he was there.
Arab, but not Muslim. I understand, though. I haev friends who were in similar situations. One of the NCO's I worked with in the ED at Madigan couldn't go back to Poland, or he would be thrown in jail for serving in a foreign army.
thanks Wilso, but I'm an Arab,and will therefore be lined up against the wall soon!
Again we hear that plaintiff cry.
Italgato wrote:
Perception: a quick quiz--
What is the name of the hypocrite who is calling,along with his cronies, for respect and contribution to dialogue and exhange of ideas who uses the absolutely moronic and disrepectful appelation of Baboon to describe you.
It couldn't be Professor Hobibit could it?
Don't worry, perception, he only gets into that mode when he is unable to counter your ideas with rationality.
Yes--Gato----it really is pitiful and your use of professor in the most sarcastic mode is most appropriate----can you imagine this guy as a real professor. He/she may be qualified to teach preschoolers ---again I say maybe.
Wilso has finally found a "chum" of like persuasion with the same mentality.