I have no quarrel with the notion that violence can be found at either pole of the political spectrum, but I do take exception with the notion that Timber's offerings are examples of conservative violence. The National Guard is not a conservative outfit. Skinheads are not conservatives, they are nazis. Racists in the old south came in all political stripes, and let's remember that it was the Republicans that passed civil rights legislation over the NO votes of many Democrats.
Timber's point is valid, his examples are not.
Evil happens in all groups and organizations, but it doesn't serve any useful purpose to pretend that a skinhead is a conservative or a neanderthal from the old south who hated blacks was one or that conservatives controlled the national guard when they shot students. I'm surprised Timber would make such a suggestion, though not the least surprised so many here jumped to agree with it.
Wilso wrote:I'm not referring to organised violence. Its the unorganised that you've got to fear. With your lack of social safety nets how many more people become homeless every day. And when the sad and destitute finally outnumber those who have still got something, how long before they start fighting with the only weapons available. And it's not like weapons are particularly hard to get for Americans!!!
This is a point I was going to make RE: Haymarket.
Those only happen, IMHO, when a critical mass is reached. I feel that we are heading down that path.
Now the only question is--how to stop things from reaching this "breaking point".
Fewer "Republicrats"(Lieberman, etc) and more "True Democrats"(Kucinich, Lee, etc)
timberlandko wrote:Fewer Democrats

The Dems aren't the ones murdering their way across the planet. Head in sand-or the other place?
Good point Wilso; the forces arrayed against the murderous Quasi-Islamic thugs bent on murdering their way across the planet include Dems and Repubs and just plain folks of conscience, regardless of party afilliation, gender, or music preference, just so folks can shove their own heads where ever they please. That's what its all about.
The tragedy of modern war is not so much that young men die but that they die fighting each other - instead of their real enemies back home in their capitals.
You got that right, dyslexia!
Timber wrote:
Good point Wilso; the forces arrayed against the murderous Quasi-Islamic thugs bent on murdering their way across the planet include Dems and Repubs and just plain folks of conscience, regardless of party afilliation, gender, or music preference, just so folks can shove their own heads where ever they please. That's what its all about.
Clap----Clap----Clap...........................................and now Wilso says---------Huh???????
Neither Bush-nor perception are people of conscience.
Ah---com'on Wilso---can't you get a little more basic than that?
Hero they say, of whom do they speak?
A victory claimed for killing the weak,
No war has been one, no ifs buts or maybes,
Saddam still lives, THEY'VE ONLY KILLED BABIES.
perception wrote:Ah---com'on Wilso---can't you get a little more basic than that?
No, I can't get down to your limited level of understanding.
Wilso wrote:perception wrote:Ah---com'on Wilso---can't you get a little more basic than that?
No, I can't get down to your limited level of understanding.
Hit yourself repeatedly in the temple with a hammer. That's the only way I can imagine one would be able to think that way.
hobitbob wrote:Wilso wrote:perception wrote:Ah---com'on Wilso---can't you get a little more basic than that?
No, I can't get down to your limited level of understanding.
Hit yourself repeatedly in the temple with a hammer. That's the only way I can imagine one would be able to think that way.
He can bait the hook all he wants. Like the search for the non-existant weapons. Only a conservative will continue to fish when there's nothing to catch.
Wilso-----I'm proud of you----- you're learning some self control-----or ---- is it because you know Timber is watching?
hobitib, thanks for proving there's still some decency in the US. I sincerely hope you can prevail.
thanks Wilso, but I'm an Arab,and will therefore be lined up against the wall soon!