Re: Anarchy In The USA?
NeoGuin wrote:But it seems to me that the real anarchists are on the right. Who is it who wants to "cut governement" (at least where it doesn't benefit them or thier contributors), and favors almost unrestricted access to guns?
So often it seems--as is clearly the case here--that people toss these terms around because they don't understand them; or in your case, you seem to want to apply it to Republicans because you don't understand
Republicans and others like me (libertarian) don't have some rabid desire to do away with government. For my part, it isn't even "small" government that I desire, but rather a
federal government limited to its Constitutional mandates. (Can you see the difference?) If the federal government were twice the size it is today, but every bit of it was needed to meet its Constitutional mandates, I'd not be mindlessly clamoring for "smaller" government. Likewise, if pulling back the federal government to perform only those functions the Constitution requires of them and empowers them to do made it necessary to increase the size of state governments in order to take on some things the feds would not be doing (and should not have been in the first place) I would have no beef there either.
Anarchists share far more with liberals than conservatives. For one, Anarchists have no interest in seeing a Constitutionally limited government in this country, while liberals seem to have almost as little interest therein. Anarchists want each person to decide for himself what rules he will follow in life. Many liberals want liberals to make those decisions for everyone, and many conservatives would likewise impose conservative mores on society even where the constitution denies them this power. I would see us follow the Constitution as best we can, wherever the Constitution speaks on an issue, and if the Constitution is mute where we have come to believe it should take a stand, we must amend it rather than simply ignoring it or finding new powers in the spaces between the ink lines on its pages.
No, Republicans are not anarchists; neither are Democrats. Only anarchists are anarchists. But if you care to consider whether a group may be--by its words and actions--helping to drive society towards chaos and destruction and away from order and prosperity, then I think you have to take a long, sober look at what liberals are saying and doing today.
Of course, as I think of it now, I realize that I am wrong to suggest that left-wing liberals are more akin to anarchists than right-wing conservatives; I see now that both groups seek an authoritarian government that dictates behavior, values and societal norms for all. The only real difference--and it's a big one--is the behavior, values and societal norms each would foist upon us all, were either given the chance.
Hopefully those two poles will continue to cancel each other out, and those of us in the middle will remain to decide such things.