You people are talking absolute Bovine Excretment---I invite you to take a look at what Anarchism is----the urls are listed at the end of these excerpts. You will see it is the darling of the left---not the right. It is the antithesis of private enterprize.
I object to it primarily because it advocates the destruction of the existing gov't which will be replaced with "something" else. But you can bet that the something else will be controlled by the elitists who advocate it but they don't tell you that.
Chomsky does not intend to relinquish his chair at MIT after you suckers destroy the current gov't . When you ask him what to do next he will probably say "You didn't think I was serious did you"?
The term anarchy comes from the Greek, and essentially means 'no ruler.' Anarchists are people who reject all forms of government or coercive authority, all forms of hierarchy and domination. They are therefore opposed to what the Mexican anarchist Flores Magon called the 'sombre trinity' -- state, capital and the church. Anarchists are thus opposed to both capitalism and to the state, as well as to all forms of religious authority. But anarchists also seek to establish or bring about by varying means, a condition of anarchy, that is, a decentralised society without coercive institutions, a society organised through a federation of voluntary associations." ["Anthropology and Anarchism," Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, no. 45, p. 38]
.2.2 Will it be possible to go straight to an anarchist society from capitalism?
Possibly, it depends what is meant by an anarchist society.
If it is meant a fully classless society (what some people, inaccurately, would call a "utopia") then the answer is a clear "no, that would be impossible." Anarchists are well aware that "class difference do not vanish at the stroke of a pen whether that pen belongs to the theoreticians or to the pen-pushers who set out laws or decrees. Only action, that is to say direct action (not through government) expropriation by the proletarians, directed against the privileged class, can wipe out class difference." [Luigi Fabbri, "Anarchy and 'Scientific' Communism", in The Poverty of Statism, pp. 13-49, Albert Meltzer (ed.), p. 30]
For anarchists, a social revolution is a process and not an event (although, of course, a process marked by such events as general strikes, uprisings, insurrections and so on). As Kropotkin argued:
"It is a whole insurrectionary period of three, four, perhaps five years that we must traverse to accomplish our revolution in the property system and in social organisation." [Words of a Rebel, p. 72]
An Anarchist FAQ can now be accessed using these easy to remember urls:
What's New in the FAQ?
An Anarchist FAQ
Version 9.9 -- 26-AUG-03
Section A - What is anarchism?
Section B - Why do anarchists oppose the current system?
Section C - What are the myths of capitalist economics?
Section D - How does statism and capitalism affect society?
Section E - What do anarchists think causes ecological problems?
Section F - Is "anarcho"-capitalism a type of anarchism?
Section G - Is individualist anarchism capitalistic?
Section H - Why do anarchists oppose state socialism?
Section I - What would an anarchist society look like?
Section J - What do anarchists do?
Appendix - Anarchism and "Anarcho"-capitalism
Appendix - The Symbols of Anarchy
Appendix - Anarchism and Marxism
There is also a second page where it really gets into the nuts and bolts-----good luck