@Finn dAbuzz,
I agree with what you say other than - I am not annoyed by this, just curious if it is common about being a wife/mom or if it is just me.
I realize that I do this and almost feel no control to stop. I guess in general I like to help and make things easier for others even if it causes more work for me.
I also realize how much hubby does do - like I said we usually do what we do best and it works well for us.
This situation isn't even about just the kids - it is just he didn't do anything to make it easier for me when he left - it may come out as I am annoyed, but honestly I didn't expect or ask him to - I know he felt bad about it and said he owes me without me even saying anything. But yet I have this weird complusion to make things easier for him without expecting him to do the same for me. This is not different from other aspects of my life - like work - I expect more from me than others.
The one other thing I disagree with is the statement "Men may do the same but keep it to themselves, but I tend to think they just don't focus on it. "
Odd but I always thought the opposite - whenever my husband does something around the house - he announces it - I did so and so. Great I say. However, when I do the same there is no verbal announcement from me - just part of the daily routine. I sort of put it in the category of the old hunting thing - there is a big to do when the men go on a hunt whereas when women do work every day gathering and stuff - no peep.