Quote: Quote:
"Completely irrelevant" to what ?
IMO, accurate knowledge is valuable for its own sake.
But it's not accurate knowledge. It doesn't tell us anything.
We don't know what these things are. We don't even know
if they are physical objects, equipment anomalies, hoaxes,
hallucinations or figments of imagination.
In order for information to be of any relevance
it must teach you something.
RELEVANCE to WHAT ??? That word is meaningless unless u
indicate to WHAT it relates.)
U are posting from a very similar mindset to my own,
before I saw
the History Channel 's show; I was
SHOCKED at the respectability
of the witnesses, like our own Astronauts radioing seeing UFOs
in space, during our spaceflight, based on their looking out the window.
or like the Commie dictator Nikita Krushchev sending a diplomat
to investigate sightings by the Red Navy of USOs
It is very bad that, immediately after an Astronaut says to Huston
that he is watching a UFO, he transfers to an encrypted dedicated
line to the Department of Defense, demonstrating that he is an officer
in the US Armed Forces, whose first loyalty is
NOT to the citizens,
but to their hireling government. After retirement from service,
some of them have been more forthcoming.
Regardless of whether alien life of superior technology has come
here, we can all be certain that hoaxes have been perpetrated.
We need to filter out the hoaxes, but let us not throw out
the baby with the bathwater.