Quote:These are legitimate questions. And I do not want a President who embraces or is even willing to tolerate the hateful views of those people I named. That he did not repudiate a single one of them until they became political liabilities to him is not reassuring. I don't want that kind of President.
Fox, yes it’s about character. We have no idea what problems or emergencies will present themselves to the chief executive during the next 4 years. So, the only guide voters have to form an opinion about a future president and his resultant decisions is his character. Given Obama's past decisions during his political rise and McCain's, who would be one's choice for the presidency? Their does seem to be an almost messianic popular movement pushing Obama, implicit in this is the lack of rational thinking. This is then coupled with the 'any body but somebody in Bush's party' mentality.
Does any body, looking at McCain's history, seriously think he is not a committed civil servant? A long history it is, with some warts, but given the alternative, the decision is a no brainer for me. I myself have voiced concerns that McCain is not conservative enough for me but his history demonstrates voting against his own party when he sincerely believed it was the right thing for the American people (my criticism here is simply he needed to be better informed, but then compromise is not always a bad thing). We do not see that sort of compromise in Obama's short predictable liberal voting history. Obama's compromises seem more personal then political.