Here's an update... sounds like good news (she said cautiously)...directly from the horse's mouth:
Monday morning was a breakthrough. He came over and basically broke down. He admitted that he became so overwhelmed with stress that he became impulsive. He ended up acknowledging responsibility for all the pain he caused by making the decisions he did. He knows it was wrong and hurtful (not to feel the way he did, but the actions he chose). He asked if I would be willing to work things out and was very embarrassed to ask me this, thinking it was too late.
So after talking about it for awhile and establishing a plan, I agreed that it was worth every effort. I, of course, have strong feelings for him and did not want to be hypocritical by walking away from him without giving our marriage a fair shake.
There are many, many many things to talk about - Laura, money, the house, our assumed roles, freedom, parenting, and other various needs in our relationship. He has the added issues of properly processing his mother's death and "finding himself". So he will attend individual counselling on his own and we will do the couples counselling together. He is well aware that I am wary of trusting him and that I will not go down this road again. So until we've had a few sessions under our belt, he will remain at Steph's. I think we need to court each other again (as much as we possibly can with a limited budget and a toddler in the house).
He knows people are upset with him and he is prepared for some damage control. I am just happy he is owning this mess and trying to make it better. I am still wary.
What have I done for myself today, you asked? I am eating a strawberry/rhubarb crisp.

Well, thank goodness! I am much relieved. I don't know how he came to this realization but it confirms all the things I thought about him. sigh. This drama is so exhausting. I pity parents everywhere.