Oh ****.
This is the email I just sent her. I don't know what else to say.
Denise, hello honey:
I've been thinking of you non-stop since our conversation. I wish I could lean over and wrap my arms around you, honey and give you a big squeezy old hug and kiss. I wish I could kiss it and make it all better. But, of course, I can't, and nobody can protect you from life, as you know all too well.
I can only imagine what you're going through - wondering what signs you missed, what he's really talking about, what you could have done, why he would want to do this... I'm just so, so sorry that you're going through this. As his wife, you may have had a part to play in all this (don't we all?) but the ultimate decision was his, the method was his, his feelings and confusion are his and you are not to blame for anything he does or says. And don't take on more than what you think is right. He may not like certain characteristics of yours, etc., but talking is the first option, counselling the second, and giving up is the last resort. He may even find he's made a terrible mistake before too long, and there may be a chance for you two again. Never say never, honey. You never know.
I hope you call on your friends and family whenever you need them - they're your greatest resource. And any time you want to call me, let me know, and I'll head to town. And email me if you want - vent it all out. Purging is good!
Alex and I were going to hang out in Calgary when we're both done camp - would you like us or me to come out some time? I expect that to be early November. Let me know.
Know that I'll be thinking of you and sending you positive and very loving thoughts, Denise. You are a strong woman and together, with your family and friends, you will come out of this whole. In the meantime, accept my love and support.
You've gone through more in the last two and a half years than many people do in a lifetime.
Give yourself a break and remember to ask yourself every day what you can do for yourself. It's so important to do something good for yourself, Denise, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Love you lots and I'm with you in spirit throughout this...