Quote:Youre not too far off. , unfortunately ID has no means of being falsified. That alone mans it aint a scientific proposition (its a crude but effective means ). You spnt all your resources showing u that ID isnt religious yet all your attempts at validation are purely religious.
Even your statements that evidence for evolution "looks like " evidence for ID. You hqve no way of using that assertion in any research that may be proposed by Discovery Institute or AIG.
The fossil record and the natural sciences show that biological evolution guided by natural selection can easily provide the information for micro evolution (variation within species or body types) by two mechanisms:
1. The information existed in the code (and that information has an unknown origin) and was a latent trait that was waiting for an environmental change that (through natural selection) will now become a dominant trait. This is a form of AI. This form of AI is, evidence of planning being built into the system, which means intelligence is a logical possibility for the unknown origin of the information in the code. (which is a logical conclusion using naive realism to interpret naturalism so it can make sense)
2. The simple random mutations to the genetic code can easily provide the information for microevolution because no planning is required.
The gaps in the fossil record are real and in the case of speciation, new organ systems and new capabilities a paradigm shift is required as the entire purpose of the organism has changed. These paradigm shifts in information technology have been replicated by humans millions of times for example:
1. steam engine to internal combustion engine to an electrical power grid.
2. horse power to mechanical power.
3. mechanical computer computation to solid state computer computation.
These patterns in paradigm shift can be compared to paradigm shifts in biological evolution:
1. single celled organisms to multicelled organisms with multiple types of organ specific cells.
2. ground driven locomotion to flight.
3. asexual to sexual reproduction.
When steam engines evolved to internal combustion to electrical motors with a power grid a paradigm shift in mechanical power was introduced that resulted in a completely different motor structure fuel type and fuel delivery systems.
These paradigm shifts appear as major jumps with evolutionary gaps in the archaeological record as the result of major introduction of new intelligently derived information.
The pattern of requiring intelligently derived information for paradigm shifts when the purpose of mechanical systems drastically changes is consistent in archaeology. The reason for intelligence requirement is, "the planning for future merging of codependent mechanical systems cannot be achieved without it". (That is falsifiable proof that shows intelligence is needed for paradigm shifts in information technology in human derived mechanical systems.)
We can only create an AI system that will automatically sort randomly introduced information changes for simple mechanical evolution but, we cannot produce an AI system that will introduce a paradigm shift in something like, a word processor than can automatically write a novel. (Another falsifiable proof) For that reason, we can reasonably assume that conclusion is possibly in true for all computing systems (information management systems) at all times whether, they are living biological systems, man made mechanical systems or, even non living natural information management systems like quantum mechanics.
The vast similarities in how information evolves between, paradigm shifts of the living systems in biological evolution and the mechanical systems in archaeology, are too similar to ignore. This pattern is very useful in interpreting the fossil record when determining the origin of the new information required for paradigm shifts in biological evolution. As matter of fact it is required when one understands why naturalism is incapable on its own in explaining paradigm shifts.
Naturalism is incapable of explaining paradigm shifts because, the very nature of intelligence and free will, renders naturalism impotent when used as the sole philosophical interpretation. When we interpret information in archaeological systems we always use naive realism (what the system can do or how the system reveals its ontology) and subjective idealism(how the mind or minds that designed the system developed its ontology).
So we need to quit making up rules when interpreting scientific information that eliminates from the discussion philosophical points of view (naive realism and subjective idealism) that have been very successful in similar interpretations of information technology when naturalism has proven by its "nature" and, "track record of failure", to be wholly inadequate to suffice as the sole philosophical interpretation of the information and its origins as we discuss them.
I am sure you are capable of using all three philosophical interpretations of information in your problem solving situations in your everyday life and have been successful because of it. If you want real answers in science you must figure out how to apply them in your scientific interpretations also.
The experiments to examine the information will be similar to those used in archaeology. You are already somewhat of an expert in those fields and I am sure you can imagine a valid experiment that transfers from "archaeology and anthropology" to "paleontology and biological evolution".
It should be easier for you than me anyway. Don't you think?