Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 11:23 am
Animals make choices based on one thing:

If I am uncomfortable I need to get comfortable if at all possible.

All other decisions are predetermined instinct that is written into their DNA as algorithms that operate using artificial intelligence.

Are you saying your sense of morality is a preprogrammed algorithm that is producing artificial intelligence?
You know really nothing about biology and animal intelligence, e know. Yet you continue demonstrating your obtuse ignorance with almost very post.
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 11:29 am
provide some evidence
An intelligent Omnipotent God that is outside the system, understands the system, and everything in the system from, the initiation of the system till, knows the fossil record intimately. Even before the fossil record physically appeared He saw it in his mind as a process waiting to unfold and be experienced by us. The universe including all of science and the physical evidence that science provides supports the view that “an Omnipotent Designer with a specific plan that is designed into the universe exists.”

I promise to tear it apart.

Ok. Please begin. I am impressed by your wealth of knowledge, intelligence and enthusiasm. I am looking forward to the education. You, have taught me more than most people I have known, in the short time we exchanged ideas.
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 11:38 am
You know really nothing about biology and animal intelligence, e know. Yet you continue demonstrating your obtuse ignorance with almost very post.

Please educate me with a discussion. You have provided truly enlightening posts in the past. Please continue. Educate me where I am wrong about biology and animal intelligence. Tear my posts apart piece by piece like you said you would.

Could we eliminate the name calling. I can’t read or type fast enough to waste time on that. (Plus it makes me uncomfortable and the animal in me wants to avoid unnecessary discomfort.)
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 11:49 am
find anything on consciousness or animal ethology by dugatkin or sy montgomery, then ask for advice. Lets dont try to engage in a debate for which you are unprepared
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 11:52 am
Here, here's some name calling. You're a whiner. Telling you that your ideas are stupid or that you display ignorance is not name-calling--but you waste our time with that complaint on a regular bsis.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 11:56 am
An intelligent Omnipotent God that is outside the system, understands the system, and everything in the system from, the initiation of the system till, knows the fossil record intimately.
You realize that this statement is utter drivvle. "only god knows the fossil record" is about as scientifically lame as you can make it. Theres nothing there worth ven response other than calling it what it is.
Does this god tell you about the fossil record or is it something youve pieced together from Biblical phrases? (like most other"ontological science"). When you presume the existence of something and then derive all your follow on arguments based on that assumption, you hqve to make certain that your audience is on board.

The universe including all of science and the physical evidence that science provides supports the view that “an Omnipotent Designer with a specific plan that is designed into the universe exists.”
cf, my above post about your "presumptive status". Since this discussion is all about teaching evolution, Ill stay in that arena and state outright that your entire argument is baseless and without any vidence at all, ,other than an"assertion loop" that all the evidence supports your belief . Thats NOT science its religion.
If the evidence supports a crafty esigner. how com he was so numbskulled to waste the first several BILLION years on luxuriating in single celled organisms when we in the lab can go from archaea to multi-celled, organized life in a weekend. ?
The first 4/5 of the eqrth time was devoted to the simplst of life and the following 25% of biological tim was devoted to the appearance and disappearance of totally irrelvant lifeforms, including those we celebrate in movies an literature.
Nil deGrqsse Tyson (another of your "cosmetologists" ) made an excellent scientifically derived presentation regarding why ID is a joke. He does it with great respect even to the people he considers as hopeless Cretionists who mindlessly suspect anything written by the scientific establishment.( ALL the findings and contributions in evolution certainly do not parallel ID assertions as you folks are fond to assert). The IDers seem to look at one successive factoid at a time, yet the goings on in life occurs as multivariate occurences that often, in the height of their development , are wiped out via some environmental hammer blow.
You seem to make believe that an IDer meanders all over the map of existence like some incompetent mechanic.

You havent presented anything that can be considered actual evidence about support for IDism other than assertions that you claim as fact and I say are just fairy tales. Lets really get down to the points, like your assertion that "fossil record gaps" are evidence of ID. Please be as focused and precise as you can and tell me from where do you get that assertion so that you seem to believe it over all the scientific data that counters your assertions in ways that are supported from ALL other scientific disciplines?? Lets consier something like the Morrison Formation or the Flinders range fossils and how "gaps" can occur within these formations that are half a world apart rom ach other

Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 12:28 pm
"... I am looking forward to the ..."

Please dont be patronizing. I know that you are merely trying to use this discourse as a way to pooh pooh other debators who have been ripping you a new one. Im just, crapping on your ideas, , you take it personal. If I consider your ideas dumb, Ill tell you.
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 12:35 pm
find anything on consciences . . .
provide the evidence I will tear it apart.

I provided my views and the fossil record. I have provided them in detail in past blogs.

You called me names instead tearing my argument apart and now you want me to do the research and provide your argument? I am going to hold you to your word. Tear my argument apart. I am prepared for all the consequences your evidence and intellect can deliver. Begin please.
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 12:40 pm
You have never provided any evidence. Offering an untutored, essentially ignorant opinion, derived entirely from your religious obsession is not providing evidence. Telling you home truths like that is not name-calling.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 12:50 pm
only god knows the fossil record
I never said only, you did. You know the fossil record pretty good. Only God knows the whole fossil record.

When you presume the existence of something and then derive all your follow on arguments based on that assumption, you have to assume you have to make certain your audience is on board.
. I am assuming I have an audience of open minded skeptics that are willing to follow your argument and my argument from all points of view from beginning to end and then make a decision. I have done that with both arguments. Have you?

Is ontological science valid?

your argument is baseless and without evidence, other than an assertion loop
. We are using the exact same evidence in almost the exact same way except I am using three philosophical interpretations (naturalism, naive realism, and objective idealism) and you are using only one (naturalism). Which, in my understanding of both arguments is rendering yours very incomplete and inadequate in properly interpretating the data.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 02:06 pm
Only God knows the whole fossil record.

How can man created god(s) know anything? All gods are the imagination of men, and they started long before the christian god was created. Have you noticed how different cultures created different gods? Does that tell you something?


Soon afterwards were added to the Gospel of Matthew the first two chapters, giving to Jesus a miraculous birth, without an earthly father, chapters of which we have historic information that they formed no part of the original Gospel, and which receive no support from the Gospels of Mark or John, or from any of the Epistles. The first two, chapters also in Luke, the poetical chapters, though they allow Jesus to be the son of Joseph as well as of Mary, equally show their Egyptian origin. They give the circumstances attending his birth almost as if they were copied from the Egyptian sculpture in page 18, where we have seen the annunciation, the conception, the birth, and the adoration of the child, who afterwards became King Amunotph III.
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 02:12 pm
I never said only, you did. You know the fossil record pretty good. Only God knows the whole fossil record
BS, How do you know a god knows th fossil rcord.You makin this Up?
I wanna Challenge god to a fossil id contest , Ill whup 'is ass. Make the arrangements since you know whats on her mind.

We are using the exact same evidence in almost the exact same way except I am using three philosophical interpretations (naturalism, naive realism, and objective idealism)
You avoid interactive anything. Ive noticed that you guys try to glom onto one factoid , make a religious based assertion(that a god knows all the fossil record-)This statement alone has NO WAY of being proven or falafied, and then say youve evidenced it. You realize that youd been found out early in your presence here??
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 02:15 pm
It seems bj knows god personally. One of god's modern messengers.
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 02:28 pm
If the evidence supports a crafty esigner. how com he was so numbskulled to waste the first several BILLION years on luxuriating in single celled organisms when we in the lab can go from archaea to multi-celled, organized life in a weekend. ?
They do it in a weekend and use ther intelligence to overide the built in time parameters in the system.
(God does that sometimes also, see "miracles"). Plus, scientists did not have to design the underlying quantum mechanical and bio chemistry systems. The earth and the life in it is a living system made up of many smaller living self replicating systems. If, you are an intelligence building that system from the ground up you, must add onto that system as it progresses so, your intelligence can guide the system you established (In the same way I am guiding my computer to create this post. You have no evidence of me doing it other than it exists on your computer.) The system appears to build itself as it adds complexity by adding additional embedded algorithms over as much time as it takes. It over billions of years because, the underlying quantum mechanical system and the living system is constrained by the physical laws of the operating system (qm) it is operating in. "Time and the speed of light being the two main constraints."

From your an evolutionary view you seem to contradict yourself with the two quotes that are following these two points:

First, we know how hard it is for life to start over and recreate complexity and yet it happened many times and followed the same pattern every time even though it was driven by random generation of new information.

Second, the pattern suggests that there is intelligence involved in the programming and construction of the equipment since, it keeps running the same pattern over and over as it reconstructions itself.
The first 4/5 of the eqrth time was devoted to the simplst of life and the following 25% of biological tim was devoted to the appearance and disappearance of totally irrelvant lifeforms, including those we celebrate in movies an literature.

Nil deGrqsse Tyson (another of your "cosmetologists" ) made an excellent scientifically derived presentation. . .( ALL the findings and contributions in evolution certainly do not parallel ID assertions as you folks are fond to assert). The IDers seem to look at one successive factoid at a time, yet the goings on in life occurs as multivariate occurences that often, in the height of their development , are wiped out via some environmental hammer blow

I think (using naturalism along with, naive realism and objective idealism) the evidence logically suggests the ontology of the universe is that," it was created for man to live and learn in with God".

So, what better way to learn than starting over a few times? Do you think God was always pleased with Abel and Cain's offerings to the Him?(Cain was angry because God favored Adam's offering.) Sometimes God said let's start over you guys are getting so off course the system needs to be reset. (The introduction of death, and the flood event.) That is how those events appear in the fossil record in one ID version of evolution.

You seem to make believe that an IDer meanders all over the map of existence like some incompetent mechanic.
"Meander"? Yes. "Incompetent"? At times yes. "Without intelligence"? No or, we wouldn't be here discussing the apparent intelligence combined with incompetence.

So, for arguments sake so I can fully develop my argument as completely as I can to fit the data, do we agree that if intelligence was involved it was not always competent and this incompetence caused a do over multiple times in the past.

You havent presented anything that can be considered actual evidence about support for IDism other than assertions that you claim as fact and I say are just fairy tales.

Which can be said for both of our versions of evolution.

So, let's continue with what we agree on.

Evolution happened.
Evolution is still happening.
It requires multiple complex systems that contain a lot of information. There is a lot of historical and and physical evidence describing how the system operated and is operating.

And discuss how the information came into existence and entered the system. Because, that is the latest challenge to your naturalistic version of evolution. Random vs Intelligence.

where do you get that assertion so that you seem to believe it over all the scientific data that counters your assertions in ways that are supported from ALL other scientific disciplines?? Lets consier something like the Morrison Formation or the Flinders range fossils and how "gaps" can occur within these formations that are half a world apart rom ach other

Explain how there location has anything to do with the system that evolution is operating in besides, revealing how vast and consistent over time and space the system of Natural Evolution is thus, implying consistency and purpose which, are characteristics of intelligent arrangement of new information into matter rather than random arrangement of new information because:

Random introduction of information over long periods of time over great areas of space always, leads to inconsistencies in a system that is evolving. (Unless, the system is precisely designed to evolve within tight tolerances for the introduction of new information and how it is used. And, precisely designed tolerances is always considered as logical evidence of ontological arrangement of information by intelligence for a purpose.) See "anthropology" for further scientific evidence of other forms of similar ancient intelligence following the same pattern as God.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 02:31 pm
It seems clear and simple the same measure of a year is used before and after the flood. The biblical genealogies continue harmoniously long after Noah’s life.(all the way to Jesus birth)
Are you implying that a person who lived 100 years actually lived 100x25,000?
And a patriarch who lived closer to 1,000 years = 25,000,000 years old?
And the flood, was it 25,000 years long?

Just seems to me that you have been caught up in the false teaching/religion of evolution and are trying overly hard to make them compatible.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 02:46 pm
In religion, anything is possible. This 7,000 year old planet, the world flood, and god walking on this earth. Don't let science mislead you!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 02:47 pm
Please dont be patronizing. I know that you are merely trying to use this discourse as a way to pooh pooh other debators who have been ripping you a new one. Im just, crapping on your ideas, , you take it personal. If I consider your ideas dumb, Ill tell you
Dutifully noted. Fortunately I have a track record of my dumb ideas eventually being accepted as correct long after I have been using them successfully in the real world. I wasn't taking your insults personally (my uncomfortable with insult statement earlier was a jab at humor and my need for efficiency. Really I enjoy it you bigoted enemy of free speech and promoter of government enforce teaching of a single philosophical belief system). For an intelligent person I think you have some of the dumbest philosophical ideas I've ever heard.

Is that philosophical ignorance and lack of logic a common trait among people in your profession? Is it because you people spend so much time studying how a small part of the system is creating rocks instead of trying to understand the system as a whole that your mind is starting to operate at the intellectual level of a rock.

And by the way, on a more personal level, your mamma wears army boots.

This is fun. Drunk Let's involve a six pack of Samuel Adams since it's the weekend. Cool
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 02:52 pm
@cicerone imposter,
How can man created god(s) know anything? All gods are the imagination of men, and they started long before the christian god was created. Have you noticed how different cultures created different gods? Does that tell you something?
How can something inside the system create the person that created the system. That would be like a robot at a factory creating a person. Don't get so caught up in how they told the story and the editorial mistakes. Just try to understand the story from all points of view. You can do it. Your siblings did and I doubt they are smarter than you.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 03:09 pm
BS, How do you know a god knows th fossil rcord.You makin this Up?
I wanna Challenge god to a fossil id contest , Ill whup 'is ass. Make the arrangements since you know whats on her mind.
I can do my best to stand in for him now. But I guarantee you will get a face to face opportunity in the future. He said so and so far he has fulfilled all promises.

This statement alone has NO WAY of being proven or falafied, and then say youve evidenced it. You realize that youd been found out early in your presence here?

Intelligence is capable of creating complexity 100 percent of the time. How do you falsify something that is true 100 percent of the time? I like those odds. Why toss them because you can't prove them wrong? How is that logical?

I can replicate intelligence creating order within the parameters set by human characteristics. I cannot replicate intelligence within the characteristics needede to establish the universe and and the life in it.

I can prove that unless there is an underlying order setting tight predetermined parameters for randomly generated information to operate, complexity cannot not arise out of randomly generated information.

I can prove that all the new information we have witnessed coming into existence has intelligent origins or is being generated by a system that is to old to tell who the intelligence was behind its origin of the system.

Is there anything logically wrong with these statements and assumptions?
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2018 03:10 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It seems bj knows god personally. One of god's modern messengers.
Thank you. Want to be one too? I know He wants you to.
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