I know what real science is and I don't need Popper to define it for me.
It is hardly a "ratoon off the old bullshit bush" say that your post was meaningless because it is an obvious fact.
The problem with Darwin, and his spawn, is that it is forever teetering on the edge of triviality. I have often pointed out that that is its main attraction to the mediocre. It never seems enter your heads that if you can understand it it has to be simple and obvious. So in order to look intelligent and original you need to maintain it is not simple and obvious which is best done with big words in large piles.
Even the technological applications are simple despite how elaborate they might become with enough funding. We must not allow ourselves to overlook the funding.
The adaptations in the physical characteristics of show dogs are quite simple except insofar as the motives of those who cause them to be engineered are taken into account. The subject gets a bit sticky if they are though.
I remember someone saying, a long time ago, that by the time we humans come into our majority the only animals left on earth will be those we eat or are cuddly. Or declared cuddly. Like whales have been. Trips to see the whales blowing off --only $20. (Excluding refreshments).
North America was almost denuded of animals which might be used in fashionable ladies wear. What use their naturally evolved defense weapons then? It was only when the law of diminishing returns took effect that we decided to take pity on them and deem them to be endangered species which should only be used for the foundation of charities. (How ol' Charlie would have laughed!)