Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 03:32 am
It's quite amusing that wande quotes Popper every post when the man is on the record saying that it is logically impossible to predict the future in a scientific world.

And every argument of anti-IDers is based on predicting the future.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 11:02 am
One has to fully understand the evil church before one dismisses it.

"An insolent fellow thou art and froward and rude,
And only thinkest thyself so stalwart and strong
Because thou consortest with men that are feeble and few."


Evil is ingrained in the heart of mankind. For spoil and vengeance and joy. And the atheist has no answer to it. Nor to the evil combined with intelligence.

Only the Church has an answer to it and the Church is no magic wand that can eradicate it at a touch.

You're like a golfer who posts a 4 over and throws his clubs away.

You have no understanding of the Church just as you have no understanding of science. You just use both to jack off.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 11:11 am
I wouldn't say that the Roman Catholic Church (I assume that's what is meant by 'evil church') is any more or less evil than any large organisation like say Morgan Stanley for for sake of argument.

Don't take this as a message of support for the papacy btw.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 11:24 am
The Hutterites , the Dukhabors, Beachy Amish, and certain fringe Baptist sects are, like the Catholic Church, involved in sevreal activities that prey upon their least powerful members, women, and defenseless children. SO many sects are IMHO, evil, with a big E. They preach a standard of love for all things, and then, in secret, allow the practices of sodomy, total mind control, rape, severe corporal "teaching" and other heinous practices. Yes Id call the RC church "evil" because it allowed the raping of children by priests and bihop, and then , hen confronted with facts, stonewalls and moves the prps to other fields where they can continue thir predatory activities.
Theres no excuse and Im amazed at how the laity, like sheep, allow these practices to continue. Im amazed that some totally frustrated father or mother hadnt exacted some kind of revenge and then let that go to court as justified homicide.

I have no ptience nor understanding for these priest "sex hustlers". Celibacy was a human construct that had no "divinely inspired" record from which to draw. Timothy is silent on celibate priesthoods

Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 01:48 pm
The Pentagon has announced, according to CBS News, that 19,000 young female recruits have been sexually abused in basic training camps.

And celibacy is necessary to prevent nepotism which is the bane of all institutions which seek to last any length of time.

For sure there are mistakes made just as there is in any large organisation but to rubbish the mission because of them is infantile. Most of the mistakes would be recruitment errors. Had those men who you too often speak of not become priests they would have wormed their way into some other position.

In the UK the number of priests being convicted is a handful. And yet even taxi driver and teachers and sports coaches are being vetted so widespread must the problem have been.

And it seems as if you either didn't read or didn't understand my post on justice.

And what makes you think young lads are defenceless? You invent that they are defenceless to prop up your silly argument.

A thousand US priests doing those ridiculous things proves nothing in relation to whether God exists or whether evolution is taught in schools. Another relevant point you have evaded presumably thinking nobody has noticed.

How can they practice total mind control when you are living proof of the opposite? Or are you claiming a superior mind to all the other kids?

Severe corporal teaching is recommended by Prof. Skinner in Beyond Freedom and Dignity. And he was an atheist. And a scientist. If I remember his words correctly he said "woe betide the society that does without torture".

There are 70 odd thousand priests in the world and the vast bulk of them are engaged in pastoral care and often under very trying circumstances.

I can demystify geology as easy as I can a magician's hat rabbit. And geology is easier to do. It uses scientific excellences to peer into things and reports what it sees and pretends, using long words to baffle us all, that it is the scientific exellence itself. It's useful I'll admit. Like the freezer in an ice-cream van is useful to the kids who don't know how freezers work. And don't care. Why would they? They think milk comes from shops. And dope comes from dealers.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 01:51 pm
You have to make out that the young lads were defenceless to avoid the idea that they might have been the tempters. I never felt defenceless.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 02:44 pm
And celibacy is necessary to prevent nepotism which is the bane of all institutions which seek to last any length of time.
and you know this how? The Catholic Church instituted celibacy as an economic protection device or the See. I said so much above

Had those men who you too often speak of not become priests they would have wormed their way into some other position.
SO, you think that a long life of celibacy had nothing to do with the development of predator priests ? You know this how?

In the UK the number of priests being convicted is a handful. And yet even taxi driver and teachers and sports coaches are being vetted so widespread must the problem have been.
Convicted v indicted is usually a whole percentage ratio. SO, in your mind its OK for priests to be sexual predators of children.? Your arguments seem to be as watertite as a colander

A thousand US priests doing those ridiculous things proves nothing in relation to whether God exists or whether evolution is taught in schools
Noon said it did. Your entie arguments have come fom some basis of swooning over Cathoicism. I think youre just nuts.
ANyway, the Catholic SChool system is doing a damn good job of teaching evolutionary ciences in earth science and biology. I have no argument with their principles, I have arguments with their predator staffs

How can they practice total mind control when you are living proof of the opposite?
I was nver a victim of predation because I usually hung out with older kids . I have no idea why, but it did probably prevent any confrontations .

And what makes you think young lads are defenceless
whew, talk about vacuous.

I can demystify geology as easy as I can a magician's hat rabbit.
Thats the daily job of all teachers.So pardon me if I dont faint in awe of your self proclaimed skills. We have several tens of tachers on these boards who can do this wiythoout breaking a sweat or boasting of it as some special talent. You do come off as a crazy pompous asshole, are you aware?

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Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 02:50 pm
You have to make out that the young lads were defenceless to avoid the idea that they might have been the tempters. I never felt defenceless.

Shocked Shocked
So, if I read you right, you are saying that the child who was raped was at fault for slutty behavior and "tempting" the Christlike priests

Wow, welcome to the 21st century's version of the TWINKEY DEFENSE.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 03:17 pm
No--I didn't say that at all. It's more complex than that.

I'm not defending this **** you silly moo. I'm saying you are making too much out of it in the scheme of things. What you say is nice and safe and approved of by everybody. And there are financial rewards. Who couldn't act being scarred for life? You're using the word "rape" confusing its legal meaning with its traditional meaning of using force.

Are you saying that Sandusky used force on a bunch of football lads and it was all a big secret?

You're just ducking every argument to indulge yourself.

You seem to live within caricatures. And those the ones you choose. The matter is irrelevant and I can only guess why you keep bringing it up. And why go a bit puritanical at the mention of lingerie.

Innocent kids my arse. You ******* liberals have rendered kid's innocence a joke.

Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 03:43 pm
How many scars are there going to be as a result of banking malpractice and cover-ups? Your distortions are ridiculous. There are drug shortages in Greece and people are eating out of garbage bins. Infant mortality and shorter life spans are on the cards. In the USA as well.

But talking about that is less safe in company eh?
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 04:20 pm
An "industry" expert just said on Newsnight that 60% of kids are accessing porn.

I'm up for pulling the plug on the Internet. Are you fm?
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Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 05:02 pm
Im not ducking anything shpendi. You are the one who seems so hell bent on defending these animals. SO, what have I learned from your babbling
1. Ypu werent defenseless when accosted by your priests

2The kids are "Acting being scarred so they could reap financial gain". These kids then, are waay smarter than you and I spendi, especially if they saw the potential lawsuits when they were 10 years old.

3 I didnt say anything here about Sandusky, the PA courts and a jury of his peers did, HE wasnt diddling "football lads" he was raping 9 and 10 year old wards who were being aided and fed by his own 501-(c)3 charitable foundation

Innocent kids my arse. You ******* liberals have rendered kid's innocence a joke
I think that, were your head not so far up your ass,youd see that this isnt an issue of "Liberal v Conservative" (You just like to toss words about which you have heard others use herein). Both sides of the spectra are equally outraged at this guys(Sandusky's) performance, just as most "L's and C's" are of one mind about these predatory priests. The only differences between our ilks is what each of our members want to propose as punishment on the devil=fadda's

Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2012 04:52 am
I am not in anyway defending those ridiculous priests and to read my posts as if I am is pretty bloody evil in my book. It is obvious I am not defending them. I was never accosted by any priest nor did I ever hear of anybody else being in a school of 500 boys and about 40 priests. I have been accosted by many females mind you.

I did not say that people were acting "scarred" for financial or other sorts of gain. I said there is a possibility of that. And I never said that they were aware of it at 10. I allow for the possibility that 15 years later after seeing reports of $$$$$s awards and priests being defenceless against such allegations given the media's response (see IMF chief case) a hindsight colouring might readily spring to mind which folk like you seem to believe as if in a dire need.

And you not ducking anything is a joke.

You made no response to the Frank Harris post. No response to the catamite post. No response to the question about what your obsession with a handful of priests proves in relation to the existence of God, whether evolution should be taught in schools or whether the RC Church should be abolished and the 80 million American Catholics re-trained in one of your camps. No response to my post about your position being fundamentalist Christian. No response to the Popper inconsistency in wande's signature which cuts your main argument, a consequences one, off at the knees. No response to the question of the atheist response to evil when evil is impossible to define from an atheist position, No response to the 19,000 female recruits the Pentagon says were sexually abused in training camps. No response to the idea of celibacy being an antidote to destructive nepotism. No response to the idea that had these men not been priests where they would have sought to pursue their actions. Which neatly avoids you having to explain why there are such men at all. No response to my saying that most of those victims were not defenceless at all and for those who were what other social failures are involved. No satisfactory response to you not having been subject to mind control along with millions of others. No response to Prof Skinner's scientific position on sparing the rod and spoiling the nation's will. No response to the other 69,990 priests in the world who are engaged in valuable pastoral care. Jesuit and other priests played a significant role in the exploration of north and south America in the 16th and 17th centuries and thus getting your land for you. And in many other places. Many being tortured to death.

You are a one man evasion outfit. And if the libel laws applied on A2K you would lose your farm.

Your response to--

Innocent kids my arse. You ******* liberals have rendered kid's innocence a joke.

is fatuous. You have two separate subjects mixed up in your head. I was talking about the whole nation's innocence. That is a liberal/conservative issue. The agreement of both sides about the small number of priests has nothing to do with the general point that the liberal consensus has destroyed the innocence of children.

And, most important of all, you chickened out on pulling the plug on the Internet.

You are so full of **** that you couldn't get your head up your arse.
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2012 05:07 am
You're like a load of other soft-headed twits around here. You want to have a moral indignation fest about events which have causes and support the mechanisms of the causes. Which means you don't want to do anything about the causes presumably because it would involve having no excuse to get on your high horse and it would make you unpopular.

Like Olga scapegoating the Chinese coal ship captain in order to avoid facing up to why Australia needed cheap imported coal when the country is the world's leading coal exporter.

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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2012 07:11 am
The only differences between our ilks is what each of our members want to propose as punishment on the devil=fadda's

I suppose that you, as a well brought up Christian, would not want the punishment of Melanthius who brought dishonour on the house of Odysseus.

And shore off his nostrils and ears with the pitiless bronze
And likewise his privy members, for dogs to devour,
And sever'd his hands and his feet in their vehement rage.

Would that slake your indignation?

And what of the bankers who have stolen from the millions of poor? And, seemingly, been rewarded with large bonuses.
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Reply Sun 28 Apr, 2013 09:57 am
It's quite amusing that wande quotes Popper every post when the man is on the record saying that it is logically impossible to predict the future in a scientific world.

And every argument of anti-IDers is based on predicting the future.

Even though this is a year old I believe that spendi is unable to understand that Popper had many things on his mind and was ineterested in definitions of what is real science. That seems to evade mr Spends

As far as "predicting the future", this is yet another of spends fatuous assertions about that which is not true. SCience has enough trouble developing that which has been connected by time and genetics. Spends makes so many claims about how simplistic it is sorting through the sciences affecting the interpretation of natural selection that he ever fails to truly understand any of em. (Despite his protestations to the contrary as Im sure he will yet again)

Reply Sun 28 Apr, 2013 10:24 am
Over 13,000 posts and no resolution yet? I wonder if any one could possibly review the entire thread and yet remain awake, er, I mean sane.
Reply Sun 28 Apr, 2013 11:52 am
How can I protest against a meaningless farrago of nonsensical self-congratulation?

I am quite content to consign those who think you said anything worth paying attention to in that post to your tender care.

Nature as stud farm manager is okay for grubs, and plants, and higher animals but when it comes to human beings it is hopeless. And it is human beings who are to be found in schools.
Reply Sun 28 Apr, 2013 11:59 am
If you have difficulty reviewing the thread without nodding off or going nuts, neo, does not signify that everybody else will suffer the same fate.

That you think the human race is in "grave peril" is sufficient for me to appraise your educational attainments.
Reply Sun 28 Apr, 2013 12:36 pm
I've actually kept up with this thread pretty well.
BTW, I have not bulldozed you with my opinions, have I? I'm glad you disagree. Perhaps there is yet hope. . . Or not
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