Regarding 2 Timothy 3:16
Here is the KJV with
Strong's numbers.
AllG3956 scriptureG1124 is given by inspiration of God,G2315 andG2532 is profitableG5624 forG4314 doctrine,G1319 forG4314 reproof,G1650 forG4314 correction,G1882 forG4314 instructionG3809 inG1722 righteousness:G1343
This is the "original" in Greek. In this word order. Also with Strong's numbers.
πασαG3956 A-NSF γραφηG1124 N-NSF θεοπνευστοςG2315 A-NSF καιG2532 CONJ ωφελιμοςG5624 A-NSM προςG4314 PREP διδασκαλιανG1319 N-ASF προςG4314 PREP ελεγχονG1650 N-ASM προςG4314 PREP επανορθωσινG1882 N-ASF προςG4314 PREP παιδειανG3809 N-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF ενG1722 PREP δικαιοσυνηG1343 N-DSF
From the context of the chapter is seem clear that this and the very next "verse" are a part of the same "sentence". Here is a little closer translation IMHO:
2Ti 3:16-17
All Scripture (
probably reference to Hebrew and some of Paul's works) is God-breathed (
inspired) and profitable (
beneficial) for doctrine (
teaching method), for convincing, for correction (
bringing other's into line), for instruction in righteousness, so that the man of God (
people of Theos) may be perfected (
completed, also in a sense re-freshened), being fully furnished for every good work (
beneficial actions).
The bulk of the 3rd chapter in 2 Timothy seems an appeal to correct the behavior of other followers of Paul's teachings. It seems primarily a call toward ethical behavior, using the authority of Hebrew and Pauline texts to add validity.