But what is justice fm. Doing those things with young boys, whatever they are I can't imagine as I'm a mature, roly-poly, pink chubbie, naked, sprawled and giddy, tit man myself, but the activity has a long history in a number of cultures and times and was in no way frowned upon. It provided opportunities for some boys to get on faster in life and I assume it reduced the birth-rate and dependence on women. Catamites they are called in some places. Quite respectable in Ancient Greece and Rome and sometimes mentioned in NAFFI bars in those countries currently having an "Arab Spring". (And just when democracy is starting to look as ridiculous as the sages said it would be once it got started!)
Sport's coaches might be influenced in team selection or teachers in homework marking. Scoutmasters in who gets the best tent or the easist sticks to rub together. In the ancient world a young lad might get out of the fields and into a palace as a thrall. In a menial position at first.
Nearly all the posh guys had a catamite or two. Futters they were also called because of their similarity to earthenware jars. The experienced ones I mean.
It doesn't matter what it does it makes no difference to me for the reasons I gave above. No tits and Percy refuses to perk up. And no challenge is hopeless.
So it seems to me that only a well brought-up Christian could condemn the activity let alone in the terms you think fit to use. From an evolutionary point of view your opinions are inexplicable as they are from a historical cultural position. You are to be commended for your Christian understanding and it setting aside your un-nominalistic realism. Them Jesuits have more experience than you can imagine. They have dealt with a great number like you.
It is important. It's hard enough as it is for young ladies to make headway without having a bunch of catamites to compete with. According to the philosphers of old they can be very seductive. No chattering and nagging for example.
If somebody told me that catamites had in the past infested the Vatican I wouldn't be in the least surprised.