Why not. It's pretty straightforward fm.
We are adapted to learn a language but not which one. The former is biological, a function of brain parts, and the latter sociological, soul.
We are adapted to deal with environments but not to deal with any specific one except maybe Eden.
We are adapted to have memory but not what its contents are. We are adapted to use our hands but not to what use they are put to.
The educational process is a system which takes advantage of these characteristics to, hopefully, beneficially adapt a collective. That process involves those sciences you have on Ignore. How does your limited science get to a concert pianist? Or a religious ritual. Or any ritual.
You need to show that the language and memory functions of science at the expense of the language and memory function of beliefs is a beneficial adaptation to the collective in order to justify investing in the former and withdrawing funds from the latter. cf. separation of Church and State which it seems to me is to prevent the State interfering with the Church rather than the other way round. If it is to make any sense I mean.
In the event of a total choice of science language and memory content and eradication of belief language and memory (which you cannot avoid favouring) are you then creating a new species of human being along the lines of Spock or Dalek types. Different to yourself in fact. I assume.
There is also the problem of sexual selection in which characteristics might be dangerous to survival but successful in attracting females to mate. "The last rasping gasp of the mantis's groom". Reproductive opportunities risking the survival of the organism.
The NFL minus rules. The whole machismo bullshit thing. Or why we have monogamy. Your limited science can't explain monogamy.
Emotions and psychosomatic reactions vary from place to place and from time to time. Even in fine gradations. And they are hardly processes due to the scientific severities of your side. The aboriginal inhabitants of North America had a completely different attitude to death that the present inhabitants. And evolution doesn't do much over 300 years. A mere 10 generations. Insignificant. Not measureable. Not with fruit flies over thousands of generations.
Your short post actually says nothing except that you are trying to give the impression that you are familiar with evolutionary psychology, and with a superior dismissive tone suggesting you are well on top of it, without you taking the trouble to even hint at why we should accept such nonsense. A freebie at our expense. Your usual trick which we really ought to hope you didn't teach your students but suspect that you did. Any fool can say "That will never sink in.. "
Read some stuff that challenges your thinking instead that which strokes your ego.