@High Seas,
"It's a very exciting new way to think about our salaries, reserved parking slots and executive bathroom keys, a kind of ego-tweet based archaeology to understand how we came to be."
Maybe you should wonder why those refined and delightful ladies you mention entertained a wish to meet with my person HS. I didn't turn them down at all. They simply didn't express the wish in a tempting enough manner. And I assumed, probably rationally enough, that their idea of meeting me was some distance from my idea of meeting them. I also prefer to admire them from a distance for obvious reasons. I imagine that people who meet with those they interact with in cyberspace are generally disappointed. And they both presumably proposed to have some bozo in tow which is the utterest ends of the earth very last thing I need.
I feel, too, that once having met with someone on A2K, exchanging Christmas cards, photographs, hugging and stuff, the quality of the debate suffers from having to be nice from there on.
Besides that I'm an old, shagged-out has-been, and I really have been, and, what is much worse, I am familiar with Tristram Shandy, Frank Harris's
oeuvre, the Marquis de Sade, Rabelais and such like headbangers whose names it would be as bootless to list as to expect any identifications although I do tend to litter their names through my posts, what with hope springing eternal and all, in case they might be of some use to someone or other in taking a glimpse through the curtain the educational process has drawn across their sightlines in the service of marketing intelligence.
There are three others you haven't mentioned. No, correction, another one comes to mind, four. The fourth I've remembered wanted to bring a ladyfriend. I've a soft spot for all of them but, alas, I'm a busy man and a creature of habit as well. Have you read Proust on habits? How to refine the essentials and then concentrate on them. As Dylan says--"strengthen the things that remain." If I'm late in the pub they put the clock back.
PS. Lola called me a "silly man". That's not very charming is it? It told me that she might only be charming if one says and does the things she approves of and if you step outside of that you get a blast. What with me approving of the Pope you might see why I let such an idea as a meeting dribble away as piss does on a hot and dusty concrete hardstanding round the back of an industrial unit.
Anyway--have you any comments on my recent posts?
At least a "small, furry nocturnal animal" is an improvement on a well evolved microbe. Although it might depend on where the microbe had found lodg(e)ment.