@High Seas,
Saying that "Darwinism" lead to ethnic cleansings (a very, very late 20th century expression), exterminations and eugenics-inspired sterilizations is the equivalent of blaming your gym teacher because you kicked somone in the face and knocked all of their front teeth out. A fine example of that kind of thinking comes up with Nietzsche--he not only deplored German nationalism, he claimed not to be ethnically German. But after his collapse and descent into mental illness, his sister took his notes for what became
The Will to Power (a title which he had rejected, on the evidence of his notes), and then she cozied up to the NSDAP. In his lifetime, while he still had his wits about him, Nietzsche condemned his sister for having married a rabid German nationalist and anti-semite, and disavowed any connection to her and her husband.
Yet Nietzsche is routinely "blamed" for NSDAP policies. I suspect that this is what this clown Berlinski is up to. Darwin certainly never wrote anywhere that evolutionary theory would justify what we call ethnic cleansing, nor exterminations nor eugenics. He was an observer of the natural world, not a political leader or ideologue. The IDiot crowd and the creationists positively foam at the mouth over Darwin.