@High Seas,
The adventurous type eh? I knew that feminism was no good. It almost offed one of our more delightful contributors to this thread who could perhaps learn to write a bit with a little effort put into what writing is all about.
One has to imagine how Laurence Stern would have told such a tale. What he would have done with the "black thing, stretching out forever" doesn't bear thinking about because there's no way to think up what it might have been. It only exists once he, his unique self, gets it onto his page in the intervals of the tittering.
But I must agree that a lack of self-abasement is not a normal characteristic of the female sex.
I think actually it was the dolphins who came up to see if you was a dolphine. A dolphine in distress, as indeed you seem to have been. I don't know what a psychiatrist would make of you calling up Poseidon from all that pantheon at your disposal. What was up with Aphrodite? Or the Nereids. The Sirens would be no use because they patrol their own patch and would disapprove of you being so far from your's.
You should write it up with more patience.
You're not suggesting that Poseidon actually sent the dolphins to save you are you?
Some Rider Haggard stuff on natives looking scared.