Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 09:23 pm
I doubt any serious statistician would dream of spending their time analyzing such "statistics"!
There is a whole counter industry out there. Statistics are not for general consumption because the press will have a field day...better to bury than to hold up to the light of day if it is counter to the hippy agenda. You are convinced no-one would bother to even look for such a connection...why ? Are we only to find knowledge you like ? Isnt it following the modern trend of thinking ?

You can't "prove" any connection between rape & murder (you conveniently ignored the very real connection between Catholic priests & pedophilia ) between those "religiously education" as opposed to those who weren't.
How about a link between paedophile priests and homosexuality ? Just how many religious people commit murder and rape as opposed to non religious people ....I am interested in your estimate.

I honestly haven't the interest to debate this with you. I think it's a complete waste of time. Sorry.
Bigotry with manners is still bigotry.
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 10:14 pm
Apologies for a bit of a digression to the thread topic, wandel, (I promise I won't make a habit of it!), but I find the notion that those who have been "religiously educated" are somehow morally superior to those of us who weren't, rather odd & flawed reasoning ....It is not as though one cannot acquire a good, working moral outlook on life in any other way, after all!

Actually, I'd argue that many atheists live extremely moral lives. Maybe it's something to do with us knowing that this life, the one that we're living right now, is all there is. It's the one go we get. (No promise of heaven as an after-earthly-life reward for being "good", according to some external authority's teachings ... no confessions & 4 Hail Mary's to absolve us from guilt for "sins", etc ... We have to take responsibility for our own actions.)
In other words, we have to strive to find inner peace & reconciliation within ourselves, no higher authority can do it for us. Actually, I'm one of those who received a fair bit of "religious education" fairly early in my life & rejected it, early in the piece. And this hasn't made me consider rape or murder (or pedophilia, even!), ever! Wink In fact, I'd argue that I live a very moral life, firmly based on the beliefs which are important to me. I doubt that I am alone in this.

Also, may I add, evolution theory was taught to me in my science classes at school. Surprisingly perhaps, this did not turn me into some sort of degenerate or criminal! Razz
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 05:04 am
I honestly haven't the interest to debate this with you. I think it's a complete waste of time. Sorry.

That's an odd thing for a teacher to say in view of the many trillions of words uttered on these matters in educational circles. Is everybody wasting their time?

And such narcissism shines through this one as well--

Also, may I add, evolution theory was taught to me in my science classes at school. Surprisingly perhaps, this did not turn me into some sort of degenerate or criminal!

That the teaching of evolution didn't turn you into a criminal says nothing about whether it will turn others into one. I don't see how it can't bearing in mind that the law exists for no other reason than to reduce the effects of evolutionary forces. At least we can jail the ones who are turned criminal by it but not those who encourage the spread of such an animalistic and mechanical dogma. Science, as Io says, has nothing to say about morality or the law. That you were not rendered criminal by being taught evolution has a number of explanations. You might not have understood it. You might have understood it but feared the law or the disapproval of your neighbours.

What sort of fool would promote the inhibition of evolutionary determinants by law alone and deliberately and enthusiastically eschew a tried and tested method of some economic efficiency unless they were a lawyer or a purveyor of dramatic and lurid stories and sought to profit by general mayhem and licentiousness. Or to secure a career or a power grab.

The irreligious have the advantage of being in a religious world. They don't live in a world of the sort they are promoting. It's a sweet luxury and like all such things, too easily obtained, it runs to fat. And it is contra-education.
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 05:41 am
How about a link between paedophile priests and homosexuality ? Just how many religious people commit murder and rape as opposed to non religious people ....I am interested in your estimate.

Its interesting how ANUS tries to dismiss the very issue by exhonerating the priesthood in a manner that tries to deny their crimes. The newspapers in the US and lately, Ireland and Italy, are uncovering hundreds of these rogue priests who, under the guise of providing leadership to young children, are actually pedophelial predators. Wow, ANUS denial mechanisms are astounding.
His overall track record in anything analytical is abysmal anyway. What he is asking for is data that is derived by autocorrelation , a field of applied statistics that has always given dubious and often quite incorrect results ("Hockey stick "climate data, Phylogenetic trees, crime statistics, medical causes and effect data that show HIV does not cause AIDS).

His hysterical "striking out" at anyone who disagrees with his rants is not debate, its an attempt at bullying. Msolga has , in my estimation, done a credible job of exposing his flawed logic in a fashion that was astute, to the point, as well as quite civilized.
Remember, the US Klan was a quasi-religious organization dedicated to Christian white males. The Mafia is dedicated by Catholic rites , and , of course, much of the terror is perped by organizations organized under a pornographic and prophetic view of Islam.

In the US, the issue is quite simple, and ANUS and spendi have ignored the issue purposefully, while they seek only to disrupt a decent long term thread by irrelevancies, incorrect analyses, totally dumb views on science, and all topped with their own brands of narcissims. I can bet that spendis post is merely an attempt at refuting the post immediately above (Isnt it weird that he really never adds anything in the positive and then claims that everyone who is listening to him has the problem in communication), and of course, ANNUS will come back screaming in some fashion and will attempt to ridicule many of us , (usually me for my spelling errors but never anything of substance).
Id really like to see ANUS debtae something that hes said , like this "Statistics" junk.

spendi says

Science, as Io says, has nothing to say about morality or the law

This from the master of the fuckin obvious. WHY must science say anything about anything but science?

SCIENTISATS have often been the biggest participants in their pwersonal moral beliefs. The entire environmental movements have been opn the backs and careers of scientists whove spoken out on the crass commercialization of agriculture. SCientists have come out as major spokespeople against wars and genocidal activities of despots.

Spendi, try to separate a concept and a discipline fom iots participants. No science should be operating in an atmosphere of some weird religious control. It should proceed unfettered and while the RESULTS, may have opinion differences associated with them, let it happen.
WE have that very debate going on oin the US with the Bush regime cutting off funding for embryonic stem cell research. It was all based upon some "Moral high ground" bullshit, but resulted in the entire rest of the world leaping ahead in this research.
"Morality" assertions are, just like tastes in art and music, severely subjective.
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 05:44 am
Statistics are not for general consumption because the press will have a field day...better to bury than to hold up to the light of day if it is counter to the hippy agenda.
Whew, this sounds like Eric Cartman. Except Cartman is actually supposed to be HUMOR. I actually think ANUS is convinced of the rectitude of his worldviews.
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 05:44 am
Jesus Christ, FM . . . i though you were going to stop feeding the trolls. You are just as bad as they are for ruining this thread.
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:12 am
by exhonerating the priesthood in a manner that tries to deny their crimes
You only get out of a post what you want. Why do you bother ?
The newspapers in the US and lately, Ireland and Italy, are uncovering hundreds of these rogue priests who, under the guise of providing leadership to young children, are actually pedophelial predators.
And for a fool like you, that means everyone everywhere....living proof of my argument that the common folk can not understand statistics...can they Gomer the Turd ?

Do you really think all priests everywhere are child rapists ? Not everyone shares your story of being an alter boy who went back for more. The link is that homosexuals were joining the priesthood but you cant understand much can you ?

His overall track record in anything analytical is abysmal anyway.
I am surprised you havent bought it up yet, but tell us why it is impossible for chickens to be descended from dinosaurs again?

What he is asking for is data that is derived by autocorrelation
No, I am not. You are lying again. How many prisoners in a jail were religious before they were imprisoned ? How many people in a church are guilty of a serious crime ? Incidently, dickhead, it is impossible to prove HIV DOES cause AIDS. Do you know why, oh humble mighty scientist of everything ?

His hysterical "striking out" at anyone who disagrees with his rants is not debate, its an attempt at bullying.
Very Happy Do you mean like your attempt to get people to exclude me because of my citizenship ? Why do you persist in being so dismally stupid ? Do you think you are not striking out that you are a well behaved debater ? What goes on in that fading mind of yours ?

Remember, the US Klan was a quasi-religious organization dedicated to Christian white males
Remember, the Nazis and Communists were quasi-scientific organizations dedicated to Scientific white males. A timely warning from a fool.

The Mafia is dedicated by Catholic rites , and , of course, much of the terror is perped by organizations organized under a pornographic and prophetic view of Islam.
Remember, Nuclear weapons, clones, modern industry pollution are all sponsored by scientists wanting money.

will come back screaming in some fashion and will attempt to ridicule many of us ,
Is poor baby frightened of being alone ? Wait till you die...

I'd really like Gomer the Turd to prove he can read. His limited intelligence is obviously preventing him from understanding much of anything except he is a scientist.

SCIENTISATS have often been the biggest participants in their pwersonal moral beliefs. The entire environmental movements have been opn the backs and careers of scientists whove spoken out on the crass commercialization of agriculture. SCientists have come out as major spokespeople against wars and genocidal activities of despots.
Mind bogglingly stupid even by the standards of Gomer the Turd. Who created the environmental problems ? Who created the weapons ? Who performed the Nazis experiments ? See many bomb building facilties in church, have you idiot ?

It should proceed unfettered and while the RESULTS, may have opinion differences associated with them, let it happen.
I am unhappy about your inability open a can, you little scientist you.....but you think science is clever enough to control what we experiment on ? According to you, Gomer the Turd, there is nothing that scientists cant do including say no to research money.

Your stupidity is breathtaking. Scientists are better at morality than religious people. Churches are a front for criminal organisations. The only true morality exists in scientists. Everyone must avoid religion because homosexuals have become priests. Religious people commit more crimes than non-religious people. And you have the audacity and stupidity to lecture me on statistics ?

Gomer the Turd must seek help.
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:16 am
I actually think you are the most ignorant unintelligent fool I have ever heard of. I dont care if I am feeding trolls like you, it is remotely possible someone may actually believe your garbage and lies. On second thought....nah!

Gomer the Turd must seek help
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 07:25 am
This from the master of the fuckin obvious. WHY must science say anything about anything but science?

It shouldn't. Who said it should. It certainly wasn't me.

The scientists you say that have been bringing their moral views to us all should not be. If it's obvious that science has nothing to say about morality what are you doing telling us about scientists, if such they are, who parade their moral values in the name of science and use science to validate them. There's no such thing as the "crass commercialization of agriculture" to a true scientist. You look well saying "fuckin obvious" and then proceeding to prove it isn't obvious to the people you introduce and who are irrelevant to the debate about teaching evolution in schools.

And what is the "crass commercialization of agriculture" anyway? If it wasn't so "crass" food would be ten times what it is now and maybe more in some years. You're just traipsing your own values with that expression and they don't stand up to a moment's scrutiny with 8 billion to feed at prices which allow soft furnishings and boat builders to expand.

SCientists have come out as major spokespeople against wars and genocidal activities of despots.

You only need two examples to claim that is a fact. Compare that to the number of scientists who get a living developing the means of war. I consider the letter of your statment ******* obvious but the spirit of it a blatant falsehood set in the path of the unwary.

It should proceed unfettered

Show me a government which is prepared to allow it to.

Spendi, try to separate a concept and a discipline fom iots participants.

That's easy done as long as the "participants" will agree as well. Which some high profile individuals won't. Probably can't. You yourself are self-evidently not separated from the discipline this thread ought to display.

What makes you believe I have any religious views? You have no grounds for doing so except that you are not separated from the concepts and disciplines involved here and that it has been convenient for you to assume it and assert it. That I value the general effects of a religious tone, as the vast bulk of the population do, has nothing to do with anything associated with how that tone is acheived. I very much doubt you would wish it to disappear if you gave the matter more thought.

I don't see what the KK, the Mafia or terror organisations have to do with it. How can they be "Christian"?

In the US, the issue is quite simple.

That is self-evidently untrue.

It was all based upon some "Moral high ground" bullshit, but resulted in the entire rest of the world leaping ahead in this research.

"Leaping ahead" eh? Where to? What are you going to do when 80% of the population are between 65 and 120? Anybody can milk the udder of saving lives when it is their own or those they are addressing. What about if all lives are saved and not just the privileged few?

PS--If I was you I would ask Setanta to knock off talking to you like you are a baby. Now I know that his lady is witnessing the conversation, entirely voluntarily of course, I don't think it right to talk to him man to man. But the way he talks to you, and the rest, with his specious assertions about the thread being ruined by those who are on it is patently ridiculous and very patronising. If all he has to offer is what he's been giving us he is obviously the troll.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 07:39 am
Ohio Teacher Fired for Burning 'Crosses' Drops Lawsuit
(Stephanie Samuel, Christian Post, October 22,2010)

John Freshwater, the Ohio teacher fired for allegedly burning crosses into student’s arm, dropped his 2009 lawsuit against the Mount Vernon City school district on Thursday.

Freshwater, a two-time teacher of the year award recipient, said he was a victim of a firing witch hunt because he refused to remove his Bible from his desk. He filed a million-dollar lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Columbus for lost pay and pension, and punitive damages. He argued that his rights to free speech were violated. He also wanted to be re-instated to his position as an eighth grade teacher.

Yesterday, however, Freshwater’s attorneys filed paperwork dismissing the case.

Sarah Moore, the attorney for the school district, confirmed the case had been dropped. No explanation has been given, but Moore said she wasn’t surprised.

“This dismissal, from our end, was expected. It speaks to the fact this lawsuit has no basis in fact or in law,” she remarked.

Last year, the case made national headlines after Freshwater was accused of burning crosses into students’ arms. Freshwater, a science teacher, said the “crosses” were part of an experiment demonstrating static electricity on the hands of volunteers. The crosses, he said, were in fact Xs, and the experiment was harmless.

“Parents did not go the police and didn’t file a criminal complaint,” said Freshwater. Furthermore, he said he had done the experiment for 20 years.

In a statement last year, Freshwater said he believed he was fired because he kept a Bible on his desk. The year before his removal, Freshwater was asked to take down a tapestry of Ten Commandments and hide his Bible from plain sight. He removed the tapestry, but was adamant about resting his Bible on the desk.

“The removal of [the Bible] will be nothing short of the infringement of my deeply-held religious beliefs,” he said.

At the time, the Mt. Vernon City School Board released this statement: “As a public school system, the district cannot teach, promote or favor any religion or religious beliefs.”

District officials later accused Freshwater of also teaching students about Creationism. Freshwater, in response, denied ever preaching about his religious beliefs in class.

David Daubenmire, a spokesman for Freshwater, said that he believes the charges against Freshwater were all motivated out of bias and prejudice. Freshwater became a teacher in 1987 and taught science for 20 years. He was a science teacher at Mt. Vernon Middle School.
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 07:53 am
You only get out of a post what you want. Why do you bother
You hypocrut. You accuse me of what youve turned into a high art, you poltroon.

Do you really think all priests everywhere are child rapists
. Do you really think that atheism is tantamount to murder and immorality? See how you gore your own ox dickhead?
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 08:09 am
There has gotta be waaay more to this. Freshwater has either been exposed to some evidence that severely hurt his case or , maybe, he was offered another position elesewhere that would be jeopardized by his case.
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 08:13 am
Who finances a case such as this? How expensive is it?
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 08:19 am
I was wondering that, too, edgar.
My hunch is that he was advised that he couldn't win the case. (Burning crosses on children's arms as part of a "science experiment" would be rather hard to defend, I'd imagine! Wink )
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 08:24 am
I never said I was gonna just sit here and take his demented drug addled accusations. Maybe he has no reputation that is in debate. I certainly am not going to have my own craft and me personally be impuned by a severely demented dickhead like he. Everything he says is lies compunded upon lies and he just keeps it up. HAd I known who he is and this would be written in a open fashion, he would be subject to the legal relief that I could seek under our slander laws. He doesnt understand that impugning reputations based upon untruths as he is attempting to spread is only protected by his anonymity.

Sorry but this troll is being personally hurtful and in a fashion that he feels that he can just keep up. Im not going to give him a free ride, sorry, My apologis to many of you guys and to wandel. Ill try not to be too intrusive and I will contribute to the topic at large. ANUS aint difficult to handle, hes more a threat to himself than to me.
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 08:29 am
I have no idea who finaced the case, but I imagine that several Chriastian organizations and the Discovery Institute, The Cornerstone Projects, as well as some unknown 501 c-(3) organization may have been behind it. Thats an interesting point though and worth a bit of a search on the web. all Id need is a case docket number or else I could just ask the question on Google.
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 08:34 am
Fair enough, farmer.
No need to apologize to anyone.
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 08:37 am
Now let's see wande if we can find someone, in as respectively lowly and obscure a position as Mr Freshwater, who adheres to the aethistic doctrines of scientific materialism and has perpetrated an act with the terribly dire consequences of his actions.

It's amazing. I can't think of one, such is the under-reporting of what must be the many millions of actions of an equally horrifying nature emanating from those who are frightened of the Bible and demonstrate scientific effects on their students.

The gross and indecent intellectual distortions involved in that keen focus on one incident (alleged) involving one teacher in one classroom on one day in one school in a one city of a mere 68,000 souls in one state, by media, is, while not proof, some evidence of a PLOT. It suggests that there are powers at work behind the scenes which search out such trivia and blow it out of all proportion to the extent that it represents a form of insanity or an assumption that the consumers of such drivel are insane.

And evidence which suggests something is, and always was, the basis for a hypothesis. I hypothesise that there is a PLOT. How well organised I don't know but it can only become a successful one with practice and with few people realising its existence. We do know, thanks to a little research done on your posts, who the main participants are, the methods being used and the ultimate aim which is, it can be nothing else, to gain money and power by the eradication of Christianity and all it stands for including the institution of private property, the literature of the last 2,000 years and the moral standards which our culture has adapted to so successfully.

Have you any evidence which refutes my hypothesis apart from declaring that I'm a drunken, paranoid fuckwit.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 08:48 am
Last year, the case made national headlines after Freshwater was accused of burning crosses into students’ arms. Freshwater, a science teacher, said the “crosses” were part of an experiment demonstrating static electricity on the hands of volunteers. The crosses, he said, were in fact Xs, and the experiment was harmless.

“Parents did not go the police and didn’t file a criminal complaint,” said Freshwater. Furthermore, he said he had done the experiment for 20 years.

I don't know how such incidences are generally treated in US schools (I'd suspect they'd rarely occur), but I believe that in Australian schools the teacher would have most likely have been sacked, or would have faced serious disciplinary consequences. Touching students is not acceptable, but burning crosses on the arms of his students .. and for 20 years?

Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 08:51 am
According to him, they were Xes, not crosses.

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