Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 06:17 am
I assure you, Setanta, that I will not be "whipped"or "flogged" by silly sausage like spendius. Wink
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Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 06:17 am
I was making the point that these words have different meanings to different people. You're the one with your own prejudices when you think they mean what you think they mean to everybody.

And you do the same thing with "irrelevancy".

And also with this obvious fatuity--

"All men are rapists" has absolutely nothing to do with what is taught in science curriculum in schools, which ever country.

I don't think you even know what Prof Greer meant. Nor do I think you care. You would rather ignore her argument. She didn't mean all men are potential rapists. She meant they are rapists. That how they get sex is by a process of grooming and hypnosis and bribery. Were those German women Hitler used in his eugenics experiments being raped? That was supposed to be scientific and following the same scientific method used to breed racehorses.

You are no feminist Olga.

And many people, millions, think that abortion is murder.

A science curriculum is not an abstract concept. It is different in every classroom it operates in and often very significantly.

You are so complacently prejudiced that you don't even know it.
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 06:20 am
The quote was from Marilyn French, the American writer.
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Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 06:28 am
I will respond to that sort of crapolla if I choose, no matter which thread.

Well said Olga. Setanta is in hiding from my posts and he ordered you to follow suit. I'm glad you showed him that you have more balls than he has and that you don't need him to run your life.

It's a bit tiresome though keep having to read that I post for attention. It's a very weak argument and could be applied to every poster on all A2K. It's as if you think opposition to your views can be silenced by such a cheapskate remark. You can't be very scientific if you haven't worked out yet that such things have no effect on me. It's as bad as getting to whatever age you are and are still trying to make water run uphill.

Save it for the classroom. This is an international debate forum and I'm here to debate an important issue. If all you can do is assert I'm attention seeking, and that you're not, it strongly suggests you are stumped.

Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 06:29 am
More irrelevant waffle. Scrolling over fast.
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 06:48 am
The first thing that the dyed-in-the-wool misogynists always do, and can be relied upon to do every time, is accuse others of misogyny. It is a well known saying in respectable circles that if a dinner guest holds forth on honesty one should get the butler to hide the silver spoons.

I analysed misogyny recently somewhere and I'm not going to do it again. I found it distasteful. But the more Setanta flings the word about as an all-purpose argument clincher the more obvious it is that he's a flat-out misogynist of the very worst sort. And he's even got some ladies on his side--the poor things. What cunning eh? To be a flat-0ut misogynist and persuading ladies he is not is a very common strategy. Especially when all we have here are assertions. I bet he really acts it up when he opens a door for a lady. Grand gestures so everybody will see what a gentleman he is. Maybe a Valentine card ($3.99) to ensure some compliance. What utter shite. Talk about underestimating ladies. He's got them on remote control with a few words.

It was a lady who straightened me out on the subject. I used to be a misogynist. How could I help it? We are brought up to be.
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Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 10:26 am
I'll give you some more on misogyny seeing as you all bandy the term about so readily.

James Boswell wrote this in his justly famous book regarding a evening conversation with Sam Johnson and others--

We talked of a work very much in vogue at that time, written in a very mellifluous style, but which, under the pretext of another subject, contained much artful infidelity. I said it was not fair to attack us unexpectedly; he should have warned us of our danger, before we entered his garden of flowery eloquence, by advertising, "Spring-guns and men-traps set here."

Could it be that some men have been primed to scream "misogyny" every time another man draws attention to man-traps. Could it be that those who set man-traps have got these men so well trained that they assist in camouflaging them, a sensible thing to do on any man-hunt, for fear that drawing attention to them will be an admission of how they were trapped and tamed, and an attempt to be approved of by those who so skilfully lay them in our path.

Ladies charging "misogyny" I well understand. But men!!! Goodness gracious me!! The idea is obvious. These are men who are helping the trappers lead younger men into being lured unsuspectingly to their doom simply by shouting unjustified and traitorous insults (they think) at those few of us who try to guide them safely through the mine-field.

It was a lady after all who wrote- "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."

And another lady who wrote--"Men are like carrots: cheap and plentiful and easily cooked."

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 10:47 am
Women love men carrots; otherwise it's only masterbation.
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Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 10:49 am
This was exactly my point. Now we have pages of irrelevant drivel from the maste of irrelevant drivel, rather than the interesting topic which Wandel has maintained for years despite the irrelevant drivel.
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 11:22 am
And this is what began it--

Setanta wrote--

Although i certainly can't blame you opposing his misogyny

Am I supposed to just let that cheap shot ride? Setanta was the one who introduced the irrelevant drivel.

And Setanta has been absent from these threads for long periods. When he graces us with his presence does he start laying down the law and acting as if he had never been away. My presence tells wande all he needs to know about what I think is his interesting topic. I don't need to assert that it's an interesting topic. If I were wande I would feel mildly insulted to be used in such a manner as if he is an argument when Setanta hasn't got any other argument than to assert I'm a misogynist and rope him into the corral in support without asking his permission.

I know who thinks wande's thread the most interesting and it isn't Setanta.
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 11:35 am
And it isn't off topic to expose the state of mind of those who support the teaching of evolution in schools. It is a fair enough challenge to the teaching of evolution to show what those in favour of it are like underneath that veneer of their's and to provide those toying with the idea with a glimpse of what they will get if they go for it.

It's done all the time. Such a thing had O'Reilly pumping up his indignation last night on Fox. Mr Obama's state of mind was linked to that of his pastor in earlier years.

It is not off topic at all. It's a valid challenge to the teaching of evolution in schools to expose what those who want it are like.

And it isn't pretty.

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Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 11:53 am
spendius wrote:

I know who thinks wande's thread the most interesting and it isn't Setanta.

Who is it then?
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 01:15 pm
That's easy. The ones who have been on it consistently since it started and on the other one for nearly seven years. That's who. Not those who just jump in every now and again when they get bored with other places.
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Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 08:17 pm
@reasoning logic,
Do you think that ganesh or islam are a good faith to have?
A good faith to have is one that produces a quiet dignified calm in a person. All the rest is just cultural and historical window dressing.
If you were born in a different country do you think that their culture would have a impact on the thoughts that you hold to be true today?
There are some countries where you will be prosecuted if you believe in evolution. I am glad I was not born in any of those countries.

I think the basis of your question is how much is nature and how much is nurture. The jury is out on that one, but I feel it is safe to say it depends on the individual. Some of us are born a certain way, and the environment doesnt change us much. Others are the opposite. For most people, for most traits, it seems about 50/50 nature/nurture.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 08:32 pm
The teaching of evolution theory leads to rape & murder? (What on earth is the matter with you?)
Are you saying the incidence of rape and murder are the same at state schools as they are at private schools ? Are you saying there is no link?

Teaching evolution theory (as required & widely accepted) is the "worship of science"?
That strikes me as a rather silly question. The worship of science occurs when you think science can and should replace religion. That is clearly a leap of faith too far.

Do you think that science educationists should be teaching (your version of) morality (& not science)?
As I have said many times previously, science and religion can and do exist together. Catholic schools have top science courses and good firm teachings in religious based morality.

Should religious education replace science teaching, even, so we'd have fewer rapists & murderers?
You are starting to sound as silly as the rest of them here. I have always said there was a place for both...it is not a case of one must die so the other can live.

And as for science teachers & science teaching, it is not their job to teach religion, or (your version of) morality. Their job is to teach the science curriculum.
Thank you for telling me, but I am pretty sure I already knew that.

I have absolutely no problem with you holding your own versions of morality & religion so long as you don't attempt to inflict it on anyone else via the mainstream school curriculum.
I agree, but a return question if I may.....how do we achieve consensus on what is right or wrong ?

But none of them talk remotely like you do. None of them is so quite so narrowly fundamentalist, so black & white, with no shades of grey in between, as you. Why should your narrow version of Christianity override theirs?
Wouldnt it be a good idea for your argument if that were true ? Just suggesting.....I AM NOT A BELIEVER IN GOD ! I AM AGNOSTIC ! Perhaps I should save that sort of thing to a separate file and just post it every now and then as I am getting really sick of being told my beliefs are the opposite to what they truly are.

Without religion, it is perfectly okay to murder and rape, because it is survival of the fittest. There is no reason for morality across society without religion.
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Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 08:33 pm
Do you seriously think being taught morality is an infliction ?
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Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 08:35 pm
Oh--isn't it lovely when a bunch of anti-IDers start posting in the manner of teenage girls on Facebook. Give us more of it.
If I were a teenage girl, Spendi, I would take offence to that.
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Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 08:38 pm
Linking science education to rape and murder is ridiculous.
One day when you learn statistics you will now what a link is. There is a link where religion is not taught. Science is taught everywhere. Therefore there is a link. Now if you wish to talk about causative links, that is a different case. Religion prevents rape and murder, science does not.
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 08:51 pm
More irrelevant waffle. Scrolling over fast.
That was worth 3 thumbs up.....clearly these are the "bread and circuses" type. Are you embarrassed by the IQ of your fan base ?
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Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 09:05 pm
One day when you learn statistics you will now what a link is. There is a link where religion is not taught. Science is taught everywhere. Therefore there is a link. Religion prevents rape and murder, science does not.

I don't accept your thinking at all, Ionus.
However, anyone else (with the time & the inclination) is more than welcome to, though.
You can't "prove" any connection between rape & murder (you conveniently ignored the very real connection between Catholic priests & pedophilia Wink ) between those "religiously education" as opposed to those who weren't.
I doubt any serious statistician would dream of spending their time analyzing such "statistics"! Smile
I honestly haven't the interest to debate this with you. I think it's a complete waste of time. Sorry.

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