Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 06:54 pm
@reasoning logic,
Logic tells me that faith is illogical. The scientist in me knows that religion has a valid place in the lives of many people. It is extremism that produces problems. Extreme religion, extreme science .....both are very explosive.

When we live in an universe where there is nothing but waves of energy and where they interact with gravity we have matter, and life exists in this environment, AND the universe is heading towards greater complexity having been created from the Big Bang......tell me what sounds impossible to you ? Because all I see are those frightened people who are scared what they know is not enough and are attacking religion but declaring it impossible despite the impossibility of proving a negative..
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2010 07:05 pm
Thank you for sharing with me! I truely do not know the truth and I am only learning other point of views other than my own!

I do have a few questions for you though! Do you think that ganesh or islam are a good faith to have? and do you think that they are true or do you think that they are made up?
If you were born in a different country do you think that their culture would have a impact on the thoughts that you hold to be true today?
Thank you for your patients,
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 12:39 am
How many science educated teenagers are guilty of rape and murder compared to the religious educated ? If you had any confidence in yourself you wouldnt be insisting everyone worship science. Lonely ?

What? Confused Confused
Just about all state & "religious" schools I know of in my own country (same as yours, I believe) teach the standard, proscribed science curriculum. Because they are required to. And this is not a problem for most of those schools, as it appears to be for you.

It is not as if evolution theory is some new, crazy, crank theory, invented last week, which has just recently been inflicted on innocents.

The teaching of evolution theory leads to rape & murder? (What on earth is the matter with you?)

Teaching evolution theory (as required & widely accepted) is the "worship of science"?

Do you think that science educationists should be teaching (your version of) morality (& not science)?

Should religious education replace science teaching, even, so we'd have fewer rapists & murderers? Neutral

Can we assume that pedophile priests (throughout the history of the Catholic Church) got to be that way because they were exposed to evolution theory or "bad science teaching" as tender young things? That their minds were corrupted by science? I would have confidently assumed that most of them had been educated in "religious" schools.

Look, I have absolutely no problem with anyone holding religious beliefs. I have "religious" friends whom I like & respect. I have participated in any number of social justice campaigns in my own community, working closely with good folk who are motivated by their religious beliefs.
But none of them talk remotely like you do. None of them is so quite so narrowly fundamentalist, so black & white, with no shades of grey in between, as you. Why should your narrow version of Christianity override theirs? (For starters, there are a damn sight more of them than "believers" of your ilk in Australian society. And on top of that, we are a multicultural society. Should we also include Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, etc, etc, religious beliefs in the science curriculum? )

And as for science teachers & science teaching, it is not their job to teach religion, or (your version of) morality. Their job is to teach the science curriculum.
I have absolutely no problem with you holding your own versions of morality & religion so long as you don't attempt to inflict it on anyone else via the mainstream school curriculum.
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 01:04 am
msolga wrote:
I have absolutely no problem with you holding your own versions of morality & religion so long as you don't attempt to inflict it on anyone else via the mainstream school curriculum.
or via any other mean...
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 01:46 am
Yes, indeed, Francis.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 03:21 am
With all this evolutionist science-worship in your post, I bet you're a gravitationist, too. Tsk, tsk, tsk ....
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 03:27 am
Yeah, I know Thomas.
Evolutionist science-worship just happens to be my thing! Wink
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 03:36 am
pssst ... what the hell is a gravitationist? Confused
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 03:37 am
Don't let that smooth-talkin' Thomas fool ya, Miss Olga. Gravity is not just a good idea . . . it's the law!
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 03:41 am
Ah, gravity, Setanta.

Can't argue with that, can we? Smile Wink
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 03:46 am
And I always thought you was a fuzzy purry litle kitty. Apparently your daddy was a smilodon
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 04:07 am

Only when very aggravated! Wink
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 04:26 am
Damn, he found out about the plot! Now I may be recalled to the mother ship

I knew about it long before I knew about A2K. It isn't difficult to spot. It makes no difference whether you are called back to the mother ship, fall down a crevass or drop off your perch. In fact the PLOT might well do a lot better if it didn't have you anti-IDers on the team.

Hey girls--don't do any scientific research on the PLOT. Keep it on IGNORE. Pretend it isn't happening like when teenage girls cover their eyes with their hands when the giant spider with the beady eyes and hairy legs is heading towards the camera looking predatory. We want you all to be comforted.

btw--In The Devil's Chaplain Dawkins eagerly quotes a Spectator reviewer's comment that "to be Dawkinsed is not just to be dressed down or duffed up: it is to be squelched, pulverised, annihilated, rendered into suitably primordial paste." He's proud of that being said about him.

The very first sentence of The Selfish Gene (it should be drilled into the kids eh Olga) has this--"Intelligent life on a planet comes of age when it first works out the reason for its own existence".

We might all agree with that but despite it being a sly claim that Dawkins has worked out the reason for his own existence, which means he's intelligent by his own logic, as his followers might easily imagine themselves to also be after an ego tickle like that, ( agree with Dawkins--therefore you're intelligent), can have 3 wives, serially of course, for now, as Christian morality disdains polygamy, and rabidly opposed to British and American foreign policy which, when translated into real English, means our soldiers are dying in an evil cause--you can be all those things as long as you have worked out the reason for your undoubted intelligence and existence which you will never do, nor will anybody else, for as long as it takes for us to vanish and be reabsorbed into the mute matter of the universe.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 04:34 am
Oh--isn't it lovely when a bunch of anti-IDers start posting in the manner of teenage girls on Facebook. Give us more of it.
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 05:14 am
msolga wrote:

How many science educated teenagers are guilty of rape and murder compared to the religious educated ? If you had any confidence in yourself you wouldnt be insisting everyone worship science. Lonely ?

What? Confused Confused
Just about all state & "religious" schools I know of in my own country (same as yours, I believe) teach the standard, proscribed science curriculum. Because they are required to. And this is not a problem for most of those schools, as it appears to be for you.

It is not as if evolution theory is some new, crazy, crank theory, invented last week, which has just recently been inflicted on innocents.

The teaching of evolution theory leads to rape & murder? (What on earth is the matter with you?)

Teaching evolution theory (as required & widely accepted) is the "worship of science"?

Do you think that science educationists should be teaching (your version of) morality (& not science)?

Should religious education replace science teaching, even, so we'd have fewer rapists & murderers? Neutral

Can we assume that pedophile priests (throughout the history of the Catholic Church) got to be that way because they were exposed to evolution theory or "bad science teaching" as tender young things? That their minds were corrupted by science? I would have confidently assumed that most of them had been educated in "religious" schools.

Look, I have absolutely no problem with anyone holding religious beliefs. I have "religious" friends whom I like & respect. I have participated in any number of social justice campaigns in my own community, working closely with good folk who are motivated by their religious beliefs.
But none of them talk remotely like you do. None of them is so quite so narrowly fundamentalist, so black & white, with no shades of grey in between, as you. Why should your narrow version of Christianity override theirs? (For starters, there are a damn sight more of them than "believers" of your ilk in Australian society. And on top of that, we are a multicultural society. Should we also include Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, etc, etc, religious beliefs in the science curriculum? )

And as for science teachers & science teaching, it is not their job to teach religion, or (your version of) morality. Their job is to teach the science curriculum.
I have absolutely no problem with you holding your own versions of morality & religion so long as you don't attempt to inflict it on anyone else via the mainstream school curriculum.

Very good post, msolga.

Linking science education to rape and murder is ridiculous. If someone falls down after getting drunk, should they blame Isaac Newton?
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 05:23 am
Linking science education to rape and murder is ridiculous.

It was an anti-ID, pro-evolution teaching, poster who said it wande.

Don't try to imply it comes from my side. I think it's probably statistically true but I wouldn't say it because I've seen no evidence.

And anyway-every relevant term in the statement is moot. Ms Greer said, and a lot of feminists agree, that all men are rapists and that romance is rape. Many think there is such a thing as murder in foreign policy and science education is a very loose term as you lot prove on a daily basis.
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 05:42 am
.. And anyway-every relevant term in the statement is moot. Ms Greer said, and a lot of feminists agree, that all men are rapists and that romance is rape. Many think there is such a thing as murder in foreign policy and science education is a very loose term as you lot prove on a daily basis.

As usual, you are introducing irrelevancy into the discussion , spendius.
"All men are rapists" has absolutely nothing to do with what is taught in science curriculum in schools, which ever country.

Your "problem" with feminists (& women who are not "ladies") has nothing what-so-ever to do with the discussion, either.

You are just going on & on about your own prejudices, nothing more.

Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 06:05 am
Don't respond to the idjit, Miss Olga. That's the only reason he posts here, for the attention. You watch, he'll milk this for a half dozen or more new, irrelevant posts.
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 06:09 am
Oh I know the only reason he posts is for the attention, Setanta.
But a common theme in spendius's posts, in whichever thread, is misogyny.
I will respond to that sort of crapolla if I choose, no matter which thread.
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2010 06:14 am
Although i certainly can't blame you opposing his misogyny, i suspect that you've simply now given him a whip with which to flog you, to his excited glee.

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